Monday, February 7, 2011

What Weave Does Ciara Use

I'm back as promised, this time I did not wait too long, true? Go to periods .... and this is one of the positive ones that I love to create ....

This next mini kit complete some say that a little earlier than me .... explain better .... after the table and the chair why not take a stool??

Exactly the "stool" in the same style of chair ....
Her measurements are approximately 3.5 x 2, 5cm high and is about 4cm. The kit is very easy ....
Here are the photos:

I hope you like it!? A big hug Angelina

PS: do not forget that the 12 and 13 February in Milan there is the beautiful and only exhibition dedicated to our miniature Miniature .... waiting for us ..... What
.... nice to see old faces and maybe meet someone new ....
I will be at the exhibition opening Saturday ...


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