Monday, March 14, 2011

What Should I Do With My Pilar Cyst

A beautiful concert.

Sabato scorso Laura ed io siamo andati al concerto di Giovanni Allevi al pala De Andrè a Ravenna. Era da un po' che eravamo entrambi attratti dall'idea di sentirlo dal vivo, per quanto non ci possiamo definire nè fans nè appassionati conoscitori della sua musica. Per la nostra generazione l'idea di concerto è ben diversa da un pianista da solo su un palco vuoto e immagino che a qualcuno possa sembrare poco allettante come intrattenimento, ritenendolo forse un po' troppo di nicchia. Invece il bello della musica di Allevi è proprio quello di poter arrivare anche a chi, come me, è quasi completamente a digiuno di questo genere di eventi. La sua musica è tanto unica quanto facile da comprendere, lo spettacolo che il concert offers is well structured and very simple.
He is a fairytale character, such as awkward movements blended with the piano once you sit in front. His voice and his manners have shyness and naivety of those of a child. Like all musicians, is very good at acting the part that suits his style, as well as a rock star emphasizes the transgression and the excesses of his life, Allevi amplifies and poetic sides of his way of being dreamers, but does not make for the less genuine and interesting. His show about an hour and a half consists of a sequence of her songs, played without frills and without excessive preamble. Before each piece is limited to announce the title and groped to share what or who has triggered the spring that has generated the sequence of notes in his head. Seeing him shake hands on the piano I had the feeling to feel his genius. While playing his body does not seem nothing more than an extension of the mind, a prosthesis useful only to turn sound ideas into his brain through the beating and the lift of the fingers on the keys. I know that the purists of classical breeding is not just a product of marketing, whose success is generated more by a good organization and production that actual merits. Personally, I do not in any way by the community of classical music, I would say that I Allevi piace molto così come la sua musica mi trasmette qualcosa. Non so se sia un grande musicista, ma so per certo che mi piace quello che compone e ho visto tantissima gente in un palazzetto pieno entusiasmarsi per lui ed il suo pianoforte. Tanto mi basta per consigliare a tutti di non lasciarsi scappare l'occasione di ascoltarlo dal vivo.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Describe An Item Of Clothing That

Mini-kit # 8

During this time I was a little hard to concentrate, but despite this I managed to take some time for my beloved miniature creating another mini-kit ....
One of my latest creations is this "LIBRARY-RETIREMENT". This library
measuring 16.2 cm x 3.8 cm and 2.5 cm deep. The kit is easy and you can place wherever you like ....

Here are some photos of various locations .... with planting Susy ....

But even in the kitchen with dish-style country makes its beautiful shape ....

I'm really happy with the result, it took no time to mount it.

I am very sorry for the great drama of today's Japan, I am following the news and my thoughts are for those people who lost everything ....

For now I send you a big hug to all

Royal Family German Surname

HERCULES AND LOVE AFFAIR - "electro-pop" or "melodic house"?

T anto to shuffle the cards as well we do when we are looking for plays, this time we design electro-pop, but good electro-pop! Here is the 2nd work of Hercules And Love Affair, British ... perhaps more than we should talk about House of pop melody ...
is known to act on a good first job is always difficult these days ... Well, Hercules And Love Affair to try ½ revolutionize training and try to embellish their sound making it more fresh and at the same time seething ... the result is easy to understand, is the sound of the catchiest zompettare house currently on the road from the first track and to make its proposal even more bizarre places you here and there even some intriguing semi-acoustic ballad ...
To close around you a warm final tip: Hard to hear more times and high volume ... (Carmine Tateo)

Friday, March 11, 2011

How To Get Bonded In Ontario

PJ HARVEY non ripete!

PJ HARVEY "Let England Shake" (Island, 2011) -

Tracklist :
1. Let England Shake
2. The Last Living Rose
3. The Glorious Land
4. The Words That Maketh Murder
5. All & Everyone
6. On Battleship Hill
7. England
8. In The Dark Places
9. Bitter Branches
10. Hanging In The Wire
11. Written On The Forehead
12. The Colour Of The Earth

PJ Harvey has always been not to miss an opportunity to reiterate that the main objective of a true artist is not repeated and disappoint the expectations of his audience. In recent years this way of doing almost finished for chronic, so that every new album ends up useless and void any provision in previous episodes each combination of career, it is focused on finding new ground and perfectionism style. For "Let England Shake" was recorded in a church of the nineteenth century in Dorset, Polly has worked continuously for over three years, initially committed its forces on the art of speech and poetry as a container for his exceptional creativity. All text of this album were in fact designed as poems that transposition in music often has slightly altered, born of the urgency to describe reality and feelings related to social, political history and the past. Make no mistake: the adjective "political" should not suggest a view of part, to a dogmatic view on the truth or a renewed activism of the artist, but the description of feelings through the poetic word as much as possible shared universal, such as the ambiguous coexistence of hatred and love for their homeland ( ).
With " Let England Shake " PJ Harvey still make an admirable synthesis its two predecessors: the classical and Victorian spiritualist " White Chalk ” filtra per osmosi fra gli spigoli dissonanti e le sonorità promiscue di “ A Woman A Man Walked By ”. Fondamentale, nel dare continuità, il contributo di John Parish : lì co-autore, qui co-produttore, oltreché musicista in una formazione volutamente ridotta all’essenziale che comprende l’ex Bad Seeds Mick Harvey e il batterista Jean-Marc Butty. Un disco diretto e memorabile nel complesso, questo “ Let England Shake . PJ in a state of grace, harmony and vocal registers sa vary with uninhibited eccentricity, writes songs that no longer seem such - but they are - and offers glimpses of sonic beauty of a dark and foggy. Sa mix with skill: epic, elegy and estrangement ( ).
In a very intelligent avoids falling into the cliché of the hard rhythm guitar and songwriting for slow and banal, on the contrary, he entrusts his lyrics in a wide variety of different musical records. If in fact "Hanging On The Wire" and "England" revive the acoustic atmospheres of "White Chalk", the new political verve in greater blood in "The Last Living Rose," where the singer offers a brand new sax solo in the guitars of "Bitter Branches" or the first "nick-cave-ianissimo" single, "The Words That maketh Murder", including rhythms and lyrics effect. Listening to the anxiety continues, "The Glorious Land", accompanied by military parades and sang a poignant, folk reminiscent of the "On Battleship Hill" and "In The Dark Places", which seems to hear distant, PJ of that discone called "To Bring You My Love." And if you are missing a confirmation of the quality of the package, the triplet can only encourage the final assessment: "Hanging On The Wire" and "Written On The Forehead" there are impeccably, leading to the melancholy of "The Colour Of The Earth ". We liked the PJ rock, there liked the sound and we like the PJ PJ political commitment. Be sure to listen to this record, hardly any like it will come out in 2011 ( ).
(Rino De Cesare)
"Radi @ tions" is a program designed by Camillo Fasulo, Greek Marco Antonio Marra, Angelo De Luca, with the collaboration of sparse @ ttiva Rino De Cesare, Carmine Angelo Olive and Tateo, aired every Monday and Friday between the hours of 22 and 24 radio issuer Ciccio Riccio Brindisi - .

Is Hugo Boss A Good Brand

MILK WHIMPSHAKE = punk-folk/indie-pop dal Regno Unito

MILKY WIMPSHAKE "My Funny respective Crime (2010)
Group Milky Wimpshake these niche in which their homeland was extremely successful. They come from Newcastle, United Kingdom, and the insurgents considered twee-pop record a CD that is una giusta miscela tra Buzzcocks e Housemartins. Capaci di azzeccare le giuste melodie la band si esprime con testi polemici e graffianti lasciando, specie da vivo, un’ottima impressione. La formula usata da questi ragazzi è semplice ed efficace. Basso, chitarra, batteria e una voce che con fare sgraziato e lascivo sostiene melodicamente i vari episodi… un buon motivo per non negare un ascolto alla proposta dei Milk Wimpshake, no? (Carmine Tateo)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

How Can I Stretch My Labia

E 'A nice surprise! # 3

Sorry for my absence but I am again going through a not so positive .... I'm really tired and exhausted and also tell the truth my head is feeling it .... I got to have panic attacks .... Wednesday will be a difficult day for me and after this torture, I will take a further super-deserved holiday ....
All this to tell you that even if Post your comment does not follow you always with love ....

Okay .... change the subject a few days ago I received a package from Spain ....
I asked Susy- MiniEden if he could create for me a few cacti. I love succulents because they do not need so much care (my thumb is not very green, even though the flowers and plants a lot and then I like to decorate my love nest I opted for artificial trees ... : o))
Susy is really good at creating plants that look real, when I discovered her blog I could not resist .... if you do not know the past to snoop in his wonderful blog, you'll see masterpieces ....
not you curious to see the contents of the package ???!!! Here are the photos ...

So I had no reason?? Not everything is beautiful?? Susy
Thanks for your beautiful miniatures, I hope to return soon!! ^ _-
Susy and a big kiss to all those who follow me (new and old)! Angelina

Sunday, March 6, 2011

I Think I Have A Leg Rash?

THE TWILIGHT SINGERS: un disco "imperfetto" ma Greg Dulli è tornato con la sua musica migliore!

TWILIGHT SINGERS “Dynamite Steps” (Sub Pop, 2011) –

Tracklist :
Last night in town
Be invited
Get lucky
On the corner
She was stolen
Blackbird and the Fox
Never seen no devil
The beginning of the end
Dynamite steps

After the success of two years ago had with the album "Saturnalia Gutter Twins project with the blood brother Mark Lanegan, Greg Dulli returns "Dynamite Steps" a bit 'on the road already traveled by earlier work on behalf Twilight Singers - that "Powder Burns" in 2006 - exploring the thin line between life and death, that quick when there will pass before our eyes, dilated and focused in the course of 11 tracks that compose ( ).
“Powder Burns” fu forse, però, il disco meno fortunato della carriera post- Afghan Whigs di Greg Dulli. A quello seguì un bell’e.p., “Stitch in time” (con una spettacolare cover di un pezzo dei Massive Attack, “Live with me”) e poi molte altre cose, tra cui il progetto Gutter Twins , a live album and a solo tour. In short, it is not missed from the scene in recent years, Greg Dulli. But good news is the fact that he has decided to dust off his favorite symbol, and then both returned to make his music better. "Dynamite Steps" Twilight Singers shows the levels of the early records, showing what Dulli can do in terms of songwriting and song construction. The formula has not changed substantially, compared to the past: taking songs from rock and black music, with structures built in geometric progression and crescendo as Dulli knows only mount. The limit is always a bit 'the same respect agli Afghan Whigs (che rimangono una delle band più sottovalutate del rock degli anni ’90), ovvero l’assenza delle chitarre di Rick McCollum, con il loro inconfondibile sound. Dulli, con la sua band, ha trovato un modo per sostituirle con piano, sezione ritmica e anche chitarre, sì, ma più defilate. A fare la differenza, non è tanto la presenza di grandi ospiti (Ani Di Franco, l'ex Verve Nick McCabe e ovviamente Mark Lanegan tra gli altri) quanto piuttosto le canzoni, cantate con quella voce imperfetta e un po’ spezzata che però è assolutamente unica. “Dynamite Steps” è un disco che difficilmente porterà new fans to the band that time, especially in our area, there was the last album, which came after his collaboration with Manuel Agnelli and Afterhours ("My Time Has Come" was a reworking of "White Widow" from "Ballads for Little Hyenas", their record produced by Dulli). But it's a disc that is fascinating, with its overtones "noir." If you liked in the past, this time you will enjoy them even more (Gianni Sibilla by -Singers-DYNAMITE-STEPS ).
Star dietro a Greg Dulli non è facile. Come il suo amico Lanegan salta da una parte all'altra, impegnandosi in carriera solista e progetti vari senza aver mai fissa dimora, senza prendere identità permanenti, lontano da quello che era il suo essere leader dei sempre troppo poco ricordati Afghan Whigs. "Dynamite Steps" sembra quindi confermare che i “canterini del tramonto” siano il gruppo in cui Dulli riponga le maggiori speranze e impegni per quello che sarà l'immediato futuro della sua carriera. La differenza maggiore tra questo album e il suo predecessore è che, a dispetto del titolo, si presenta molto meno aggressivo; la perdizione malignamente sensuale di "Be Invited", il crescendo emotivo di "Get Lucky", il respiro arioso di "She Was Stolen" e l'intensità interpretativa della murder ballad folk-blues "Never See No Devil" conferiscono all'insieme un'atmosfera introspettiva e quasi distances itself from the very spiritual dynamics of "Powder Burns". These feelings can be found in the episodes and then even closer to sound "usual" group, strings and choirs rides "Last Night In Town" and "On The Corner", the softness of shoegaze "The Beginning Of The End", even the epic of stoner "Waves" speak of an anger that has subsided or changed in some way, but maybe even a Greg Dulli has found stability Art as perhaps had not had since the end of the group that created "Congregation" and "Gentlemen". "Dynamite Steps" is a disc and then gives us an imperfect but Greg Dulli in great shape, with new vigor and renewed inspiration, after much wandering, perhaps, has finally found a home. ( )
“RADI@zioni” è un programma curato da Camillo Fasulo, Marco Greco, Antonio Marra e Angelo De Luca, con la radi@ttiva collaborazione di Rino De Cesare, Fernando Falcolini, Angelo Olive e Carmine Tateo, aired every Monday and Friday between the hours of 22 and 24 radio issuer Ciccio Riccio Brindisi - .

Monday, February 28, 2011

Vtv Digital Surveillance Diriver

E 'born a Gem!

Sabato 26 Febbraio alle 22,00 è nata la mia quarta nipotina Gemma, del non irrilevante peso di 3,950 kg e lunghezza di 51 cm. La piccola Govoni ha fatto di tutto per non uscire dalla pancia di mamma Brigida, finchè un dottore testardo le ha sballato tutti i piani con uno scorrettissimo parto cesareo. La piccola Gemma, per quanto inizialmente riluttante all'idea, sembra ben ambientarsi nel mondo che la circonda e comincia già a far valere il suo carattere. Non gradisce molto la vetrina dell'asilo nido del Sant'Anna dalla quale indirizza smorfie varie a chi la ammira al di là del vetro. Già dal primo incontro con le famiglie Bellini e Govoni fuori dalla sala parto, ha dimostrato di gradire invece la compagnia e di scrutare incuriosita tutti, da papà Riccardo in poi. Sia Gemma che la sua mamma stanno benone e ricevono numerose visite da parenti e amici.
Spero di essere per lei un buono zio, tanto quanto Brigida e Riccardo saranno dei fantastici genitori, le dò un benvenuto grandissimo nella nostra famiglia e la aspetto a braccia aperte nella mia vita daily.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Driver Per Pctv 150e Per Windows 7

THE LIKE: un mix di retro-pop e sexy-soul dal sapore “indie”

LIKE THE "Release Me" (2010)
Five years after the onset Los Angeles, the band tries again and this time is serious. The four women (the band) all near the age of 25, appear on the cover dressed in very light helping to create just the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing in front of a disk light, but also fresh and crisp ...
lived in the shadow of the now much more famous The Pipettes, The Like to have a fascination equally appreciated, also the result of an aesthetic very accurate (which never hurts!). Musically speaking, that is ultimately what we're most interested in this matter, place a handful of tunes that is very difficult to remove from the mind, even after hearing them once. The record, concision, is a mix of pop and retro-sexy-soul-flavored "indie." Catchy tunes and rhythms youth are the other ingredients. Eye on the girls! (Carmine Tateo)

Friday, February 25, 2011

Intitle:network Camera

WIRE: uno dei pochi gruppi davvero rilevanti tra quelli nati durante l'esplosione del punk nel 1977

WIRE "Red barked Tree (Pink Flag, 2011) -

Tracklist :  
01. Please Take
02. Now Was
03. Adapt
04. Two Minutes
05. Clay
06. Bad Worn Thing
07. Moreover
08. A Flat Tent
09. Smash
10. Down To This
11. Red Barked Trees

Two and a half years away from "Object 47", the previous studio album, the Wire back with a new work "Red barked Tree", the 12th of their career. The record shows less electronic and more electric guitar than the last records of the historic post-punk English, with acid derivative, new wave, art-punk and some episodes more pop. According to the same band, this collection with the Wire wanted to get closer to their live performances with which they were heavily engaged in recent years. ( )
is not easy to judge impartially in a new work of Wire, band monument can still generate devotion and respect, 34 years after their debut. Students of Fine Arts, always attentive to both aspects grafici che metodologici della propria creatura, i quattro ragazzi inglesi si resero protagonisti, nell’arco del biennio 1977/1979, realizzando "Pink Flag", "Chair Missing" e “154”, tre albums che in pochi mesi scolpirono la storia del punk e del post-punk, e che peseranno come immensi macigni sulle loro teste per tutto il resto della carriera: metri di paragone impossibili da eguagliare. Non è facile raccontare la storia dei Wire, ma certamente si può affermare che ancor oggi siano uno dei pochi gruppi davvero rilevanti tra quelli nati durante l'esplosione del punk del 1977. Nel corso della loro travagliata esistenza, tra scioglimenti e rifondazioni, non sono mai stati colpiti dal morbo dell'autocelebrazione but have always remained faithful to the idea of \u200b\u200bevolution and experimentation that has made them somewhat immune to the passage of time. The current creative phase of the Wire (which has already seen the production of the excellent "Send" , "Object 47" Ep and the set of "Read And Burn"), sees the absence guitarist Bruce Gilbert, who has called out a few years. Today, the line-up consists of the three original members Colin Newman, voice and guitar, Graham Lewis, vocals and bass and Robert Gotobed \u200b\u200bbehind the battery. ( )
Elegant and refined, as in the initial "Please Take", rhythmically varied, as the next "Now Was", or melancholy power-rock like " Adapt, which could rise to the role of the new official anthem of the band, Wire are reconfirmed, with "Red barked Tree", a group of higher stature. The trajectories are diverse music presented here and is between granite riff of "Two Minutes", a razor in the drawer remained stagnant for nearly a decade, the fastest round of "A Flat Tent", which live, make no mistake, it will be a real bomb, and yet "Smash" verso la fine, riesce nella complicata missione di permettere all'insieme il definitivo salto di qualità, conferendo a "Red Barked Tree" la giusta dose di orecchiabilità, senza mai scadere nella faciloneria da quattro soldi. ( )
Concludendo, se è questo l’album con cui si vuole provare a conoscere la musica dei Wire, lasciate perdere e puntate altrove la vostra attenzione. Se, invece, com’è giusto che sia, conoscete già la band, “Red Barked Tree” vi piacerà and you can not but appreciate the approach and the verve with which they conceived Wire. ( )

"Radi @ tions" è un programma curato da Camillo Fasulo, Marco Greco, Antonio Marra e Angelo De Luca, con la radi@ttiva collaborazione di Rino De Cesare, Fernando Falcolini, Angelo Olive e Carmine Tateo, in onda tutti i lunedì e venerdì tra le ore 22 e le 24 sull’emittente radiofonica Ciccio Riccio di Brindisi – .

Sunday, February 20, 2011

What's In Compressed Air

Minituritalia 2011

As promised, I show you now my purchases Miniature ... I would also like
thank you all for your warm greetings ... it was really nice to see familiar faces and a chat with you ...
Thanks for the compliments on my new look, as you can see I'm in the mood for change (yet another new look in my blog) and as I said to Anna: "It could change your life ...!!!!" :-(

few photos to better see these little wonders ....

These beautiful boxes are in metal Alexandra Cantatore ( http://alemikimikri . / )

And since I love the cows could not be lacking in the miniature-Bagus .... Adriana is a talented artist who makes magic with Fimo ...

Well I wanted to buy a lot of other things ....
a big hug to all

Friday, February 18, 2011

What Should I Put In My Wedding Welcome Letter

CHAPEL CLUB: Fulgido esempio di sapienza melodica l'album "Palace"

CHAPEL CLUB “Palace” (Loog/Universal, 2011) -

Tracklist :  
01. Depths
02. Surfacing
03. Five Trees
04. After The Flood
05. White Knight Position
06. The Shore
07. Blind
08. Fine Light
09. O Maybe I
10. All The Eastern Girls
Paper Thin

The term "hype" is the name that singular phenomenon of perfect indie-band of strangers, often characterized by tight cigarette pants, black leather jacket and tousled frangettone of order, please come to collect the music critics even before have published their debut album. In most cases, the "next big thing" of the moment is deflated just as quickly as it had swollen to leave to posterity a couple of singles and a little more radio-friendly. Sometimes, however, reveals the gem rough diamond, as in the case of Horrors, initially famous only for the look dismal, but subsequently found to be one of the few certainties of contemporary rock.
I Chapel Club giungono alla pubblicazione di “Palace”, il loro primo album, dopo un anno in cui abbiamo visto il loro nome rimbalzare spesso tra i titoli delle piú celebri riviste musicali d’oltremanica, nonché tra le schermate di webzine e blog piú o meno autorevoli. “Palace” si muove sulla scia dell’ondata di revival post-punk/dark-wave, che ha portato alla nascita negli ultimi anni di tanti piccoli cloni di Joy Division, Bauhaus e via dicendo. Cosa rende allora questo esordio tanto speciale, degno di essere giudicato probabilmente la prima grande uscita del 2011? Molto semplice, la qualità delle canzoni. ( )
melodic shining examples of wisdom, not to mention pop, "Palace" is a record in which practically all the songs are potential singles. Inevitably the choice of "Surfacing," which opens just after the introduction of environmental "Depths" insistent rhythm section, chorus curiously citing "Dream a Little Dream of Me" by Mama Cass between majestic synth and guitar shoegaze. Typically, this, that never stays but is a constant undercurrent, to emerge powerfully in "The Shore", halfway between the power of the Ride and Echo and the Bunnymen. There are also pop pieces like "O Maybe I" (with a bass riff that seems to slow down Peter Hook) and "Eastern All The Girls", easily remembered, but never cloying, even after countless plays. In short, there are many memorable insights: "Blind", for example, between the tracks that were circulating before the disc looks like a papal candidate next single, with a riff that we are sure will reap many victims. ( )
who manages to grab the limited edition of "Palace" will find attached a second CD containing four songs released in December as " Wintering EP " : among them" Widows ", who reigns from his eight minutes. A lullaby in which there's verse and chorus structure to thin and lose one another, so as to develop some variations (one of which closes the procession). The guitars are miraculous: that elusive crystals rotate in an ethereal interplay of reflections. Each creates a pattern that is called the other slightly modified, and so on until the tissue is thickened to the point of losing contact with the original matrix (all in the space of only two chords). Add to this the slide guitar crying in the distance, the solo line in the vicinity of the chorus, the joints of the piano, and you'll get a game of which overlaps with the Chapel Club staring reach heights of creativity and complexity. Waiting to see them peeping out for a week in the UK charts and then disappeared, and although some press does not want to expose themselves (it's just NME to waver this time) dare una possibilità al quintetto londinese risulta un obbligo morale, almeno per gli appassionati di certe sonorità. ( )
(Rino De Cesare)
“RADI@zioni” è un programma curato da Camillo Fasulo, Marco Greco, Antonio Marra e Angelo De Luca, con la radi@ttiva collaborazione di Rino De Cesare, Angelo Olive e Carmine Tateo, in onda tutti i lunedì e venerdì tra le ore 22 e le 24 sull’emittente radiofonica Ciccio Riccio di Brindisi – .

Raven Rileymobile Raven Riley

BLACK FRANCIS: Ritorno alle origini per l'ex Pixies con "The Golem"

BLACK FRANCIS "The Golem" (2010)

major comeback for the former Pixies, thanks to his solo career, seems to live a second youth, while the long-awaited reunion of seminal band that now seems an unattainable mirage ...
"The Golem ", also available in a version with 4 extra-large CD plus DVD, is a very atypical for our album: it has, in fact, real songs interspersed with some bizarre psycho-folk jingles that seem to have been created just as hypothetical voice-overs for films. Back to the roots and then to Mr. Black of course, referring to his early exit from "single". A horn section here and there spoke in support of some songs to help raise even more the tone of the entire disc. Despite no longer "green age" Frank Black or Black Francis, if you prefer, always manages to surprise. (Carmine Tateo)