Tuesday, December 14, 2010

How Much Should I Pay For Pearls

Maureen Blatt. The last record of the Mohicans. The book originated in a historical record store in Turin

Backdoor, Torino, we are open. What? Roughly everything. And to all. Especially to those who really did not think could exist. But there are the colorful circus of customers - more or less haphazard, more o meno appassionati, più o meno folli - di uno storico negozio di dischi specializzato in vinile e intento a vivere l'amore per la musica dall'altra parte della barricata: un luogo talmente vero e talmente incredibile da essere più pop di un coretto dei Beach Boys. Ecco, allora, sfilare il piastrellista devoto al funky e alle donne di colore , l'audiofilo sorpreso dalla moglie con uno stereo in un appartamento affittato di nascosto e l'uomo che ha inventato i Massive Attack. Per non parlare dell'immigrato slavo che voleva morire sotto la sezione reggae, dell'indomabile Sentimentalista o del fan degli Alarm con documenti FIAT pose a threat to people ... strange? If you think so, you never had to deal with those customers, unsure of what to buy, asked: "But Che Guevara did nothing?". MAURIZIO BLATT Born in Turin in 1966, has set aside a career as a lawyer in the bud preferring Backdoor, historical record shop in town. Worked for years with the musical revue "noise." His song is How Soon Is Now? The Smiths. Given the choice, choose vinyl. Last of the Mohicans disc is his first book. "For Afro punk as we are?". "Excuse me, but what he means by afro punk?". "Well, like that guy, Jack Morris, one of The Doors. He died not?" "He's got one of Led Zeppelin with the supposed cover?" ...
Maureen Blatt the last disk of the Mohicans - Castelvecchi editor pp. 229 - € 15.00 - www.castelvecchieditore.com

(da http://www.newspettacolo.com/news/varie/24743_maurizio-blatto-lultimo-disco-dei-mohicani-il-libro-nato-in-uno-storico-negozio-di-dischi-di-torino.html)


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