New sites are discovered and continues to backdate the civilization south American.
announced that he came to the conclusion of the translation of the stems of Gobekli Tepe and I published the results on my sito.Se You can contribute to disclose, For too many years, this important discovery has been censored, and now they are inventing some kind of theories, I do not pretend to know everything about it but with this thesis I know what I say and I have only a limited comparison with the codes of surveying, hoping to steer the archeologists who have no interest to speculate on the street Giustra. The super scary
seismic activity on our planet, the last few months, stabilized only when it was made the official announcement of this discovery in our country. Now that 15 years after the last word is up to us, We are the pioneers who have risen above all, turn the board !!!!!
We hope this is not the beginning of a new alarm, these structures are too similar to those of the island of Minorca. Backdated so lead to many millennia. On many stalks Gobekli Tepe, at the top there are the special joints that indicate the presence of a monolith cross placed on top of steles. At present no account is taken of these details that make this site very similar to that of Minorca, but the real problem is another, this is the alignment between the sites of the Val di Turrite, Minorca, and Malta, drawing a bisector from Menorca to the exact middle that divides the distance between the other two sites, the line passes exactly to the Vesuvius! Now considering how badly the testimonies of interrpretando Gobekli Tepe, the tension has been exacerbated geophysics until reaching an unprecedented increase in activity, we hope that it does not stubbornly repeated the same error on the part of our "great scholars." The message of the stems of
Gobekli Tepe and precisely to "activate and stimulate the geophysical activity in a coordinated manner, through the influence of magnetic parameters determined by the megalithic and thoroughly studied with tens of thousands of years of experience in prehistoric times, for be best fit for humans. That is, low frequency, intensity, and especially with the accumulation of voltage outbursts in stages during the day ANSIChar night in unpopulated areas and at the bottom of the oceans. deserting these parameters mean the direct opposite, just what is occurred in 2007, the rest of the optimization prior premonitoraggio global presented in this blog would not be possible if all that did not exist.
The evolution of the global premonitoraggio is available on the site;
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