Wednesday, March 26, 2008

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The global network geomegalitica

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Recent studies have shown mathematically that were much more complex and ancient knowledge of geodesy and Archaeoastronomy attributed to the builders of the pyramids of Giza or the megalithic sites in Britain.

But what we must go back to when the first men aqquisirono this knowledge?

The discovery was made by weighing with a precision balance, some Onfalos prehistoric decorated, all copies of an original made in different styles. Figures in grams thus obtained with two numbers after the decimal point are found to correspond to specific coordinates and measures of our planet, in kilometers. The choice of 7 major codes you wanted to pass was not random, only those that were used, cross-multiplication and division operations, might result in other codes relating to surveying propitiatory formulas to optimize the environment on a human scale. These operations were to be considered only for the numbers that were combined in a precise sequence. It is no coincidence that we today with three different sequences of these sets of figures, uniforms and half based on height, we can draw accurate and complete projects of the internal split of the three main pyramids of Giza, using only a compass. This knowledge had already be known to the looters of the pyramid of Menkaure, as some coordinates determined by these codes, explain why the vertical attempt failed. In practice had not been discovered yet, but there are seven coordinate with whom you can explain all of physics, mathematics, calendars, geodesy, evolution and origin of the different units of our planet earth. A few months ago I described what was said on a forum site: ( valditurrite author). It is no longer active but can be accessed by looking at network antikitera + valditurrite, currently under construction and a new seminar on translation the stems of Gobeglik Tepe, please deemed the rosette between the scrittura preistorica e quelle delle antiche civiltà.
Queste scoperte retrodatano a circa 11000 anni fa la perfetta finitura degli onfalos geodetici, ma queste steli che li tramandano potrebbero essere molto più antiche dei siti.
E in oltre la loro funzione probabilmente era quella di ricordare come leggere le selci scolpite per non fare confusione tra l'originale e la sua copia piùimportante, questo significa anche che volevano tramandare qualcosa di molto antico di cui stavano perdendo la capacità di tramandarlo come era stato fatto fino ad allora.
I codici geodetici tramandano già perfect knowledge of the precession of the calendar, but in order to calculate needed observations and tips for the time equivalent to at least half the duration of its cycle. The time required for the megalithic observatories in agiustamenti draw a semicircle that was going to close. This means that measuring the exact time and which held the account for at least another 12,000 years, for a total of at least 23,000 years.
Can you imagine what may have occurred on the Earth's magnetic field through the megalithism for otimizzarlo to measure 'to avert disasters and man?

The research center responsible for this investigation, it was always self-financing and has never received aid from any university. We are seeking volunteers to expand programs. At the time this research have been recognized only in Germany.
see if there are more convincing.

Triangle Italy-England-Egypt.

David Furlong, in his book "the keys of the temple" as a good surveyor has also published a very important discovery, and partly unconsciously. His discovery of megalithic sites sees British oriented and aligned on two great circles as large a region as a whole, enclose the center of the area circumscribed by the intersections circumferences of the reference points of a triangle, the angles of which correspond to the precise angles of the largest pyramid known to Keope. What's left for readers to discover, is that intersects with the same accuracy all the reference points aligned on the circumference, placed to indicate the presence of megalithic sites and other similar works, (even those not directly visible because they overlap with other buildings ) are obtained, the projection of the same pyramid also many other points with which it also shows all the cell interior (rooms and corridors) of the prestigious pyramid. What are the chances that this is just a coincidence?

But that's why I have reported these data.

What Furlong and others could not definitely know is that the intersections, resulting from the sites 'main' he reported, showed no coincidence that the reference points corresponding to the "distance to the base of the pyramid dictated by the weights Geodetic codes "already described, and that most likely were behind both projects.

aggiornament All are available on the Blog: attilius site

THE LEGACY OF KEOPE is my discovery, the patent to use it to produce clean energy at no cost, but are available to all gratiuitamente a shame that the truth always give trouble to someone, the "TOWER OF LIFTING HYDRAULIC
O hydraulic elevator, which is used by the ancient builders of the pyramids of Giza, the based on the principle dell'imcompremibilità aqua, it also exists a model ceramic and full details, found in the pyramid of Zoser, together with copies of ancient instruments to work, only that it was incorrectly classified as a base to an unspecified vessel.
Those who wish to participate in the establishment of a scale model of efficient and automated way are welcome.
wells lifts waterline, were also to be incorporated within the pyramidal structure temporarily under construction, at least for the lifting of most Plocco grossi.I blocks were not even unloaded from barges, but in this case, simply put forward by adding water to the tanks, operation that was effuttuata through the same hydraulic elevators. The bulk of the blocks as "small" was transported by barge separable, raised to a height greater than that of its implementation, and then slid on the ground, on runners through; mills where it was called its final form, using the same energy produced by the rise of the floats, as well as that derived by carucole when they were fell down again, so we will have quiet stand in all the water available to work the stone. the float with its cargo was pushed into the bottom of the tower elevator after a hatch was closed and Sapara lower stage, to prevent entire tower full of water to drain completely, closed the back entrance was filled with new ground floor also compensating for the pressure, at which point the float pushed upward its load automatically reopening the hatch, which beam after it closes on its own, so the lower stage could now be re-opened, emptied and reloaded for another transport
The intuition this process I Coming analyzing all the available archaeological data and also trying to understand how the works were carried out to gigantic bank of the river and drainage towers and its tributaries. This also explains why the used blocks x this pyramid are all roughly the same size!
So I keope I built my own pyramids.
research archaeoastronomy
propagini remote from the eternity of time lived in a remote and primitive, the echoes never come extinct cults and traditions that belong to the dawn of humanity, mysterious heritage of civilization is still capable of a secret charm. Distinctive
left by hammers or axes decorated ceremonial become millennia Onfalos surveying, handed down or simply as astrolatry litolatrie inspire know that conceals itself in a strange wisdom, coming from different worlds and dimensions that have fleetingly illuminated the darkness of ignorance and illuminating supestizione with their flame sapienzale the long night of origins.
Kingdoms kept secret places beyond imagination, located between the unexplored regions of the astral sphere which permeates the terrestrial and non terrestrial.
Fragments of this primordial knowledge, scattered on the planet at one time located in a location of power that keep the imprint indelebiledi this body of doctrine, have come down to us intact for return to their place of origin when they were renegades. It
di un culto senza tempo ,una dottrina stellare che ha conferito alle civiltà che ne possedevano la chiave segreta la possibilità di accedere ad una più vasta conoscenza.
Se analizziamo la storia degli insediamenti umani stanziati nel Lazio, per esempio, ci rendiamo conto che quando in altre parti già declinavano civiltà fiorenti e altamente organizzate , il Lazio risultava civilizzato solo a nord dal misterioso popolo etrusco,al confine con la Toscana .Il resto del territorio, al contrario sembra immerso nelle tenebre della preistoria.Sembra...... CODICE PRINCIPALE DELLE UNITA' DI MISURA
Le differenti sequenze degli spaccati delle principali piramidi di Giza, tramandano e trasmettono sequenze di altrettante formule relative alla geodesia and meteorology. Of course in Europe where the codes were born to Omphale, CODEST formulas interact with ecosystems in other ways from the sanctuaries Omphale priests druids needed manipulated simultaneously in Italy ed'oltrealpe. In
weights Onfalos there is a very precise message:
this small group of surveying Onfalos with their weights in order to obtain not only all the calendars, the geodetic measurements of our planet and the current measurement units, also have a ' other feature, and also this is very important and given more intrigued by a play of coincidences.


The oldest known calendar system consists of 366.3 days. This value was chosen because it allowed easy geodetic calculations. Again, this value was used to determine the units that we use today. To identify and adapt it to the decimal system, was identified by the coefficient 27.3 (also considered a "constant geodesic applicant")
366.3 x 27.3 = 10,000
The resulting figure as well as being a decimal value, corresponding measure the geodesic between the North Pole and the Equator. CODE
366.3 Dividend to 23.51 (time in hours and minutes on the day of this old system) is obtained the most important factor geodetic applicant: 15.58. Since ancient times it gave more importance to the symbolic value of numbers, as in the diagrams of the buildings that it proceeds, often for convenience omit the comma. So this figure was used for all calculations. For example ratio above 27.3 plus you get the measure similar to one sixtieth of a degree at the equator 155.8 + 27.3 = 183.1 the exact figure is 184.265 which is the weight of another litolatria. ( the largest of this group) From these values \u200b\u200badded together to get the figure of 366.2 days a year. 155.8 + 27.3 + 183.1 = 366.2. The same factor has led to the breakdown of the year in 12 months consisting of 30 days and weeks consisting of seven days, in fact, 155.8: 52 "weeks of the year" we consider to be 29.9 days in the duration of the month.
Two other codes derived from the weight in grams of this group two other litolatrie
76.4 + 79.5 = set happens to still give
155.8 "76.4" and the latitude of the earth's magnetic pole, divided by the 52 cycle of the star Sirius (1469 years) multiplied by 24 if treated as one-sixtieth of a degree at the equator, at depths of the earth's crust where an optimum is found hypocenter 36 km
"79.5" This figure multiplied by 314 gives the cycle of precession. Multiplied by the side of the pyramid of Keope coincides with sexagesimal value of Etna. Divided by 71.1 (number of years of a degree of precession) is similar to sexagesimal value corresponding to the height of the atmosphere where they burn the meteorites. Divided by 366.3 is similar to the years of a house zodiac.
Two more codes derived from the weight in grams of this group two other litolatrie
63.3 + 92.35 x = added together we get the sixth volta155, 8
"63.3" multiplied by 111,982 (the weight of another litolatria geodesic of this group) from 7122 which is about the number of years of a degree of precession.
"92.35" divided by 360 gives again the cycle of precession and also multiplied by twelve gives the value of "a degree sexagesimal alla LATITUDINE DI GIZA"
"111982" considerando la distanza fra due latitudini, la differenza con la circonferenza all'equatore sarebbe di 80.000 km, circa l'altezza dove si incendiano i meteoriti
"155,8" diviso 71 corrisponde alla "latitudine di Karnak "
In pratica le” poche cifre geodetiche” ricordate dai pesi di queste piccole pietre in grammi, con le quali è possibile costruire la proiezione virtuale del pianeta terra, completa di tutti gli innumerevoli dati che stabiliscono la sua orbita e le sue possibili variazioni nell’arco di migliaia di anni, si possono ottenere da due diverse formule che derivano ognuna da un solo numero, assecondo se è posto in relazione con il calendario o con il sistema sessagesimale di suddivisione in meridiani e paralleli.
La chiave geodetica preistorica laziale dei codici italici
Come prova dell’origine italica ,degli onfalos geodetici che hanno determinato i progetti delle piramidi di Giza ,possiamo analizzare oggi un'altra pietra onfalica dalle caratteristiche geodetiche. Si tratta di una pietra di 126 grammi ” precisi”,che testimonia anche essa con il suo peso questa particolare chiave matematica geodetica. La particolarità di questo numero a tre cifre è quella di essere relazionabile con gli altri codici geodetici già presentati, attraverso moltiplicazioni e divisioni (un po’ come la cifra 155,8 ) con tutti meno uno, questo è proprio il coefficiente che riconduceva alle coordinate Giza (92.35).

The second scheme

code 126 falls within the 10,000 figure, used to mark the decimal system by measuring the distance between North Pole and the equator, multiplying with the number 79, 5, which as we have seen is one of the fundamental codes adamant.
(multiplied by 126 for 63 half her about the code of Isis, which multiplied still get 7938il da100188 126, or 10000: 126 = 79.35 or
10000: 79.38 = 125.976. Or 10000: 79.35 = 126 , 03. oscillation of these values \u200b\u200bis likely to be developed The main variants of the calculation.)
126 divided by 60 (the coefficient of the sexagesimal system) = 210 from the figure which, added to the first of the "copy code" gives 366 = 155.8, (replaces 27'3).
60 = 126 for over 756 corresponds to the latitude of the magnetic pole, but with some degree of difference.
10000 and 366.8 The ratio is 27.3, the coefficient would still need to derive the weights of the other two codes surveying, 155.8 + 27.3 = 184 265 (equator).
should be noted in addition that the sum of the first three codes listed here is 126 + 79.5 + 155.8 = 361.3, is not just a coincidence that corresponds precisely with the old system known to regulate the solar calendar by adding a further 5 days (such nefarious) is used in ancient Egypt and in Central America.

This explains the importance of litolatria called Neptune (79.50 grams), in central Italy, so as to be remembered with its unique style on the local flint. And even in ancient Egypt which was dedicated to a city with its own religious system. From this observation we can deduce that it is the oldest double use coefficient "60" that comes with the likely use of the sexagesimal system and probably by the figure 361, the first subdivision of the circle in 360 gradi. L’invenzione dei quali va quindi rivendicata in area tosco- laziale.

Il codice 126 se accompagnato da un altro peso di 24 grammi permetteva di fare
molto semplicemente molte operazioni utilizzando una comune bilancia. (126 +240 = 366)
126 – 24 =102 equivalente all’etto. Oppure 126 – (8per 3)=102
126 + 24 = 150 equivalente ad un etto e mezzo. 126 + (8per 3) = 150
126 per 24 = 3024 equivalente a tre chilogrammi. 126per(8per3)=3024
126 per 8 = 1008 equivalente a 1 chilogrammo.
126 diviso 24 = 5 grammi circa.
Ma soprattutto questo sistema numerico permetteva anche di essere usato come una sorta di computer per fare calcoli matematici, geodetici, metereologici, calendariali e astronomici. Era sufficiente una sorta di pallottoliere che oltre asservire il sistema metrico decimale e quello sessagesimale era sottodiviso in 126 e 8 parti. Lo scarto era facilmente detraibile alla fine perché sempre pari. Non dimentichiamoci che inoltre con queste due cifre si racchiude quindi tutta la matematica e la geometria ,Sono quindi i sistemi più semplici per imparare a ricordare tutte le nozioni della conoscenza e per trasmetterle.
Le decorazioni del codice di 126 grammi, non sembrano riconducibili alle decorazioni standard del codice principale di 366,3 grammi, tuttavia in esso sono evidenziate a colori le rappresentazioni più antiche, le quali risaltano una fiera colpita by shining path while the hunter with a wolf's head headdress, defending his comrades and their pets, they are also linked to the most ancient cults of the Sphinx Lazio.
What does this point have two different formulas so powerful? We can make different assumptions! The first and most likely, since it is more logical to assume that such knowledge has been achieved step by step (unless they have been dictated by some alien creature in the distant past), which is influenced and determined the climate with their plans, and that you have followed each other over long time periods. I'm talking about because different patterns are determined by each, substantial differences in the magnetic pole of a degree. This difference where would involve attraction to the earth's pole would tend to move significantly even the temperate zone. To be more clear in recent times the balance of the separation climate of our country in the winter than the feeling of being hand was located in Lazio, south of milder temperatures in the north lower temperatures. With a change in the formula that excludes all the latest megalithic system as we know it also includes the various pyramids scattered around the globe, simply by turning off his heart, then we will have a change to the north, for which even the temperate area would move to Therefore from Lazio to regions further north. And 'maybe it that has already happened? From this point of view it can be deduced then a second possibility, that one of two patterns to be interpreted beyond the propitiatory formula that includes, even as security and backup, this will be the most ancient that has its roots and stands well as through the megalithism on the web electromagnetic scattered flints from the beginning of the human, which, added to natural electromagnetic radiation of the ground have led to a transformation much more difficult to destroy, but this could have its drawbacks. 1) may be irreversible. 2) It was certainly designed and manufactured to be capable of communities: prehistoric hunter-gatherers, not farmers.
3) could awaken the delicate balance dictated by the fatal propitiatory formulas for the collection of meteoric iron, which have evolved throughout prehistory, were not overturned until after the conquest of metallurgy, or if it was possible to melt and extract iron from mineral deposits. 4) could be alternated with periods of extreme cold interspersed with prolonged drought. 5) the volcanic and seismic activity may increase sharply with parametridiversi from those studied so far.
These of course are only hypotheses, endorsed by the recent climatic changes, if you are still then the cause should be sought also in the destruction occurred in the last years of the peripheral sites to the valley of the Rio Turrite. Instead, what we must prevent is that the second is off balance, the threat is real unless you have more interest and care of these sites that nature has given us and passed on intact and that our ancestors had learned to respect and defend . The severity of the consequences are not calculable, but I do not think the impact may be slower to take effect, as scientists speculate. In my opinion, a hardening climate caused by a fracture and multiple break in the heart of the system, once initiated in a few years already reach levels inospitabilità.
Many of the smaller or even extinct and forgotten sources of this valley you are completely done with the artificial system of artificial drainage tunnels but not the kind of dug into the rock, rather, made with a covering of rocks and other landfills enriched with flint and other stones.
These particular types of buildings were also used to ensure the flow of water downstream of the smaller tributaries, and maybe even the reproduction of trout. Knowing that the megalithic not put some limits and size of projects, it is possible that this could have been achieved even where needed along the great turreted main. If it were systematically reduced the flow of water should also, however, to create the conditions for access in the deepest parts of caves that characterize these streams of water (enough to choose as esmpio avrli fates for the worship of water and exported as a shamanic level throughout the world), is a non-controlled and protected, (because they do not officially expected in the projects) in pristine environments far too valuable to the ecosystem. This could also be one of the most crucial electromagnetic at your own risk. Who is able to check with the appropriate instruments and ensure that there is no risk of irreversible destruction in advance of the implementation of projects such as those of the control units idroelettriche? È falso pensare che anche la più antica parte di conoscenze trattate in questo argomento siano ormai solo una scienza del tutto dimenticata, casomai è vero il contrario, in quanto non si dà la possibilità di fare pubblicazioni e studi specifici approfonditi sull’argomento. La mia attività di ricercatore coronata da un gran numero successi nella prevenzione e di ritrovamenti in breve tempo e in diversi paesi, è la dimostrazione di quanto questo sia una realtà. Anche se la mia attività inizialmente era determinata dalla prevenzione sismica e dagli interventi anti siccità, presto ha dotato l’archeologia di una nuova figura specializzata “il cacciatore di onfalos o marteli asce cerimoniali“ or if you prefer the "deactivator estimate. Figure that despite the role of which is holding the record for number of operations completed, the discoveries and findings, may not be able to complete his work, if the sites identified instead of being protected, even though they are assets unquestioned humanity are systematically destroyed as if nothing trivial excuse for silence and with premeditation or worse. Sooner or later we must establish these facts because it will be impossible to hide or make Italy a more unfortunate reality before the eyes of the world and everyone on the emergency hampering their research in turn could become the direct target of future retaliation from the most unexpected places. Imagine the consequences for those who destroy these assets.
Personally, I noted that you can find on the Italian territory and in a short time, a large number of megalithic alignments between boulders and small springs or exsorgenti old. To draw a dense grid on the map, simply by adding the points which I indicated on the maps to indicate sites that were identified in small fragments or artifacts emerged due to surface erosion. The natural extension of these lines to the tips of the mountains, springs, rocks and caves, on the map so it allowed for megalithic sites and identifying unsuspected camouflaged that were drawn on precisely those lines. As well as other sources, other prehistoric sites, caves and even unknown. Which of these lines are more important than it is almost impossible to determine, are all part of an extensive network of our fragile environment (such as a circulatory respiratory system of a living being).
What do you think about the fact that the first shell-shaped Onfalos have been identified within the first several severe droughts in Lazio were followed by intensification of geophysical activity, due to sudden changes in gravity have shown that isolated point precisely on the ground where they were. And often rude Onfalos are still placed in close proximity to the pristine sources, especially near the springs and the springs. Because many of the megalithic stones of reference have mentioned the unexpected form of Onfalos spiral? Who will continue to pick up the pieces of the puzzle that is falling apart and then putting them back in their place? After an initial phase of research and investigation, a second study of the findings, the third and most important is today impossible to accomplish because it does not seem to be of interest to anyone ansi the topic is still taboo and there is going to erase the evidence. Personally I have done my investigation and personal responsibility to defend myself from adversity, because in fact my ancestors seem to have been guardians and witnesses, although unbeknownst to them, these treasures, but this does not mean that this duty should not be done by authorities and regulatory bodies that are eaten rather like parasites funding and political power and widespread social prestige of the knowledge gleaned from fifteen years of hard work, prestige which should be used for diplomatic purposes and for peace in the world. This work was carried out instead at my own expense and with only makeshift, and is now only a miracle if everything has been assembled and made understandable.
Why is it vital heritage with its megalithic site in the heart Turrite quarry. In November it was
published in the monthly Hera, who are mainly issues of Archaeology, the first part of a much-anticipated interview article with a physical science of agriculture, which also specializes on megalithic sites. What it says on this interview leaves you speechless and sufficiently comprehensible for the layman. Although there are some key points "questionable, in which only an expert can guess why they distance themselves from responsibility and the issues that arise from the topic.
even if I consider some questionable statements,
1) "These sites were built to amplify only the naturally occurring electromagnetic fields in construction site. "
It has been demonstrated by its innovative systems of investigation, (the only ones after 2000 years of research led to the discovery of prehistoric surveying Onfalos most hotly disputed by the ancient civilizations), based on the analysis of electromagnetic fields uneven ground, that these sites later proved to be artificial and not natural, intentional and not a direct consequence of the accumulation of prehistoric flints and other artefacts of hard rock is the place from other areas. The same sites is also possible to find the presence of similar material but of a votive superimposed in more recent times to the Etruscan period. Since more dark and deep prehistory of humanity, that ever since the first humans began to crumble and spread the fragments of tools made or used these tiny splinters and fragments have accumulated, even in the deepest layers of the soil, along tracks connecting more lines, the paths of migratory and hunting, all the steps, the heights of sight and especially the paths that connect the sources with their reference points, such as caves and megaliths. The experience of hundreds of thousands of years of prehistory has allowed the human being (but not only) to develop those skills, knowledge and quality to recognize and over again and to orient exploit those features resulting from the huge artificial magnetic web, able to attract the water, dotted by his predecessors. The erosion and destruction have led to inadvertent over thousands of years this could reach up to the present time only in part. But in another era and there is evidence for the expansion project and the preservation of this delicate balance that has evolved and matured over time, this was done through specialized megalithism aimed at optimizing the area on a human scale. So how do you talk in general, electromagnetic fields are naturally present in which the megaliths were erected, with no more than archaeological inspection detailed but that is not invasive and therefore risky for the surrounding ecosystem? It is all too clear that so long has been spread through water erosion and infiltration into the ground to dig the road attracted to electromagnetic fields, the same phenomenon that first result of drought in the late 80's brought the poor rains and later concentrated in small areas, the erosion of those sites with the features most sensitive. Erosion which brought to light in a "natural" from time to time even the most significant finds that have given impetus to research programs with my address not only geological but also in the archaeological and Northern Lazio Tuscany. For this report, magnetic material deposits are non-specific votive flints and other artefacts to the local cult of rough stone also very close to ancient sources. Were designed to ensure and enhance the magnetic characteristics of those who were the most precious sources of drinking water. valditurrite


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