TWILIGHT SINGERS “Dynamite Steps” (Sub Pop, 2011) –
Tracklist :
Last night in town
Be invited
Get lucky
On the corner
She was stolen
Blackbird and the Fox
Never seen no devil
The beginning of the end
Dynamite steps
Last night in town
Be invited
Get lucky
On the corner
She was stolen
Blackbird and the Fox
Never seen no devil
The beginning of the end
Dynamite steps
After the success of two years ago had with the album "Saturnalia Gutter Twins project with the blood brother Mark Lanegan, Greg Dulli returns "Dynamite Steps" a bit 'on the road already traveled by earlier work on behalf Twilight Singers - that "Powder Burns" in 2006 - exploring the thin line between life and death, that quick when there will pass before our eyes, dilated and focused in the course of 11 tracks that compose ( ).
“Powder Burns” fu forse, però, il disco meno fortunato della carriera post- Afghan Whigs di Greg Dulli. A quello seguì un bell’e.p., “Stitch in time” (con una spettacolare cover di un pezzo dei Massive Attack, “Live with me”) e poi molte altre cose, tra cui il progetto Gutter Twins , a live album and a solo tour. In short, it is not missed from the scene in recent years, Greg Dulli. But good news is the fact that he has decided to dust off his favorite symbol, and then both returned to make his music better. "Dynamite Steps" Twilight Singers shows the levels of the early records, showing what Dulli can do in terms of songwriting and song construction. The formula has not changed substantially, compared to the past: taking songs from rock and black music, with structures built in geometric progression and crescendo as Dulli knows only mount. The limit is always a bit 'the same respect agli Afghan Whigs (che rimangono una delle band più sottovalutate del rock degli anni ’90), ovvero l’assenza delle chitarre di Rick McCollum, con il loro inconfondibile sound. Dulli, con la sua band, ha trovato un modo per sostituirle con piano, sezione ritmica e anche chitarre, sì, ma più defilate. A fare la differenza, non è tanto la presenza di grandi ospiti (Ani Di Franco, l'ex Verve Nick McCabe e ovviamente Mark Lanegan tra gli altri) quanto piuttosto le canzoni, cantate con quella voce imperfetta e un po’ spezzata che però è assolutamente unica. “Dynamite Steps” è un disco che difficilmente porterà new fans to the band that time, especially in our area, there was the last album, which came after his collaboration with Manuel Agnelli and Afterhours ("My Time Has Come" was a reworking of "White Widow" from "Ballads for Little Hyenas", their record produced by Dulli). But it's a disc that is fascinating, with its overtones "noir." If you liked in the past, this time you will enjoy them even more (Gianni Sibilla by -Singers-DYNAMITE-STEPS ).
Star dietro a Greg Dulli non è facile. Come il suo amico Lanegan salta da una parte all'altra, impegnandosi in carriera solista e progetti vari senza aver mai fissa dimora, senza prendere identità permanenti, lontano da quello che era il suo essere leader dei sempre troppo poco ricordati Afghan Whigs. "Dynamite Steps" sembra quindi confermare che i “canterini del tramonto” siano il gruppo in cui Dulli riponga le maggiori speranze e impegni per quello che sarà l'immediato futuro della sua carriera. La differenza maggiore tra questo album e il suo predecessore è che, a dispetto del titolo, si presenta molto meno aggressivo; la perdizione malignamente sensuale di "Be Invited", il crescendo emotivo di "Get Lucky", il respiro arioso di "She Was Stolen" e l'intensità interpretativa della murder ballad folk-blues "Never See No Devil" conferiscono all'insieme un'atmosfera introspettiva e quasi distances itself from the very spiritual dynamics of "Powder Burns". These feelings can be found in the episodes and then even closer to sound "usual" group, strings and choirs rides "Last Night In Town" and "On The Corner", the softness of shoegaze "The Beginning Of The End", even the epic of stoner "Waves" speak of an anger that has subsided or changed in some way, but maybe even a Greg Dulli has found stability Art as perhaps had not had since the end of the group that created "Congregation" and "Gentlemen". "Dynamite Steps" is a disc and then gives us an imperfect but Greg Dulli in great shape, with new vigor and renewed inspiration, after much wandering, perhaps, has finally found a home. ( )
“RADI@zioni” è un programma curato da Camillo Fasulo, Marco Greco, Antonio Marra e Angelo De Luca, con la radi@ttiva collaborazione di Rino De Cesare, Fernando Falcolini, Angelo Olive e Carmine Tateo, aired every Monday and Friday between the hours of 22 and 24 radio issuer Ciccio Riccio Brindisi - .
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