A last look at the best releases of 2010 seen through the choices of "Next Generation of Radi @ tions"
A journey through the madness of Jon Oliva, a race schizophrenic brain, where storms in the maze of ideas that generate more than 20 years we hear arise, sometimes staying open mouth, from the mind and pen of this gentleman.
A blend of scratchy guitars, synthesizers and distortion to rain gothic thrill. All in harmony with the sensual voice of Allison Mosshart that blends with the vocals of Jack White, creating a very explosive mix. The two disguise themselves as a Western evil reverend in dirty black and singing about difficult relationships, which are designed and intended to end badly.
The National High Violet "
atmosphere of darkness and melancholy, melodies that are positioned in a creative way between the electric rock American rock index by softer tones, with influences of all time between Joy Division e sprazzi di new wave britannica, in un fortunatissimo equilibrio tra toni cupi e un gioioso ottimismo.
NEVERMORE “The Obsidian Conspiracy”
Rappresentano una delle poche certezze in un panorama metallico sempre più arido: la band di Seattle è stata infatti una delle poche formazioni che sia riuscita a trasformare gli schemi abusatissimi del vecchio thrash in una struttura moderna e altamente personale.
CATHEDRAL "The Guessing Game"
2 CDs, 13 songs 1 hour and 24 minutes in length: these are the numbers of the 9 th album for the band to Lee Dorrian, who hopes to celebrate two decades of his career. Work really ambitious, not only for its size, but especially for what the English quartet has attempted to condense inside: a whirlwind of prog, rock, folk, doom and psychedelic .
(Camillo Fasulo)
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