The road is still long, but the choice is made. Laura and I have taken up residence together. "It's about time!" comment was the average of relatives and friends in recent weeks and there is everything. I built and am silent, then who is closer to us, knows what is due to waiting so long, the other does not interest me. The important thing is that we have found the right place for us. After much wandering between houses medium, large, with and without garden, out of town and close to town and new and renovated and restored, as is often the case where we have never thought. Though the area was the most wanted and we are happy, the choice at the end is a flat, large enough to be there for a while 'for years, close enough to the city and to our parents that they can go to find a bike, but pretty much the countryside outside to see through the windows. As always, the best things are halfway there. As I had always told Laura that if a house was already purchased, must be the house you choose and you choose the house and it was! When we saw the apartment we felt that it could become our home, despite what you see there were good and what was to be placed. There can be a place that meets all from the beginning right? These models now on and will be a pleasure and a fun doing it, knowing that, as I said above, we still have a long way. For now we only signed a preliminary, but in the coming months we must sell the apartment of Laura, equip and furnish the new one, do a lot of small but important things that will cost time, money and effort, but I am sure, will give us great satisfaction .
Because the world is not all roses, I must emphasize the negative side of the operation Real Estate: I leave friendly territory to move in that arciodioso borgatari with the spade. It'll take me a bit 'to get used to the idea, but, thank God, the roots of Ghisiglieri are not eradicated, but only repotted a little' further. After taking possession of the new home, we will build our outpost in enemy territory, waiting for the first round of the district, if it ever will. Meanwhile, we have already commissioned ceramic tile with unicorn emblem to stick on the bell, just to leave no room for misunderstandings.
Once we are well placed to be a great pleasure to launch ourselves in invitations for drinks, dinner, after dinner, poker and games for the wii and all the excuses to be with our friends, while there is a little bit of space we are willing to shake for people who love us.
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