January 20, 2010: The last cigarette! At 18.00 on 20 January 2010 I smoked the last cigarette of my life!
Many of you are saying that it is only 5 days, that surely there falling back, I can not know now and things like that here ... I do not discuss concerns justified and reasonable doubt on this assertion, but I repeat: I know that this was my last cigarette! I know through a mental and psychological condition that has been created in my head thanks to Allen Carr's book "It 's easy to quit smoking, if you know how to do it."
I am convinced that smokers listening to right now, are affected by the same wave of skepticism che ha colpito me quando mi sono imbattuto in questo libro per la prima volta. L'ho comprato quasi un anno fa ed è stato nel cruscotto della mia auto per mesi, poi all'inizio di quest'anno ho deciso di leggerlo perchè mi sono convinto a voler smettere di fumare. Sono rimasto sconcertato da quanto, pagina dopo pagina, questo libro ti apra la mente verso un modo di vedere le cose completamente diverso da quello cui siamo abituati normalmente. Questo libro, che di per sè non è ben scritto, è molto ripetitivo e non ha apparentemente alcun contenuto interessante, ti aiuta invece a smantellare riga dopo riga, parola dopo parola tutte le paure che ti fanno ogni giorno rimandare il momento in cui proverai a smettere. Ogni fumatore in fondo al suo cuore would like to stop, the point is that he is afraid to face immense suffering in doing so. Mr. Carr, who was nothing but a brilliant connoisseur of the human psyche, presents you responsible for your addiction, what he calls "the little monster in the stomach" and "the big monster in the brain." Carr considers them the result of constant brainwashing that we are unconsciously subjected them to us as advocates of suffering because of this fund in question, which is undergoing daily every smoker, helping you understand how to fight and how to banish once and for forever. I will not say more about the contents of this book, because if even one of the smokers who read this post should be concerned using it to stop, must not have more insight from me, but it must leggerselo all in one breath like I did, following carefully the arguments and the instructions contained therein. Just remember that there are no magic formulas, no packages to wrap, no candies or expensive herbal substitutes to be taken ... is only a matter of head and open mind to different points of view.
Mr. Allen Carr was an accountant in London, heavy smoker, and after several attempts to stop with the traditional methods have failed miserably, he realized he would have been easy to deal with it with the right mentality and decided to share this enlightenment with the world whole, through his book and its centers Allen Carr's Easyway. In doing so he became one of the world's top experts on nicotine addiction, although he is neither a doctor nor a psychologist, but only one who has personally experienced. Allen Carr was a smoker for 33 years and then a non-smoker for 23. Unfortunately he died three years ago at the age of 72 years for lung cancer. He stopped ... but not for long apparently. But he has left a legacy to the world and I feel obliged, not being able to thank personally, to tell you, my friends smoking, it's worth trying before it is late, before we regret it tomorrow, so that you also want to say you have a short "grazie signor Carr!".
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