Friday, December 31, 2010

Nvidia Geforce4 440 Go 64m Compaq


Ed eccoci arrivati alla fine dell'anno....(anche se questo 2010 sarà un anno da dimenticare...)

Sono solo felice di aver fatto questo bellissimo passo aprendo questo blog ed essere una tra tantissime che vive anche the blogosphere is just .... but I'm really happy because I never thought that so many wonderful people like you and from all parts of the world would be entered to follow ...
Thanks to all of you who have followed me and helped me most every day to create and believe in my small way I may even be able to combine something beautiful .... and a warm thanks to those who follow me and wants to become one of my "followers "....
Could I embrace you all one by one ...
So I wish you a Happy New Year and a good start to 2011 and full of amazing miniatures ....

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Fish-mox; Stomach Pain

First of all I hope you all had a Merry Christmas with those you hold most dear .... I've lost everything this year bingo ... I'll be lucky in love as they say .... :-P
I wish you all the good things of this world and I wish you a 2011 full of thumbnails .... in addition to health and love ....

I am now ready to show you this other kit .... I'm really proud ...!!!! :-)))
These "abundance" can have various functions library .... ..... ..... in the kitchen cupboard shelves ....... take your pick!!
They measure about 3.5 x3, 5cm
The kit is really easy.
The funny thing is that you can adapt to all environments and you can choose the number as needed.
soon with another version of Cubotto!
a kiss Angelina

Get Sponsored Monster

Summing ... The bride's

I've never been the type to do the accounts of my life, but the year you are going to conclude it was so full of novelty to force myself to at least some consideration. Certainly I will remember 2010 as the year of the new house, new address and my new partner. If ever I have to, or we will, something will always associate this year, however this and the efforts made, and not yet finished, to put on our house. To say that this is a source of satisfaction is an understatement. It 'was an intense period in terms of both physical and emotional and I was filled with small, big joys that still does not cease to surprise.
2010 for me was also the first year as no smoker. In a few days will be spent exactly 12 months away and now consists of a period of time, I realized how much he removed in an almost total cigarettes from my life (almost does not mean that they still smoke occasionally, but yet know a lot of people who smoke). Speaking with Laura a few nights ago we saw how far we have only vague memories of me and with a cigarette in his mouth, as if it never happened ... I was not really a smoker and recently! This probably gives a measure of how smoking was not any help for me or for those around me. I tried to pull someone behind this thing, and I noticed pleased that after some time someone has been inspired. If not then I'd been the inspiration not bad, what counts is the result. In
wealth of experience of 2010 must surely put in so many other things, positive or not. My bike which I did for the first time a bit 'street, the fact that after so many trips this year we did not go on vacation, the changes at work is not without difficulty and certainly not yet finished, as well as many other small achievements and hardships ... If I stop and think for a moment, I feel, however, to close last year as a year of my life and certainly in many respects, more than successful.
Now there is a problem that any professor of economics can point out as a vintage issue that always engages brain showing. As the trend of "company" is positive, what are the means we have to keep it that way? I really do not know. Maybe even a year ago I expected that I would be here today to please me how it went. Of course I was troubled by the same reasonable uncertainties that buzz in my head right now. The only thing I think there is time to do is to try to bring back the small accounts of our existence, recognizing that no human being is that this happens every day. The best thing probably is to accept that we can not always close a perfect circle. We need to adapt al fatto che tirate le somme il risultato potrebbe non essere quello che ci aspettavamo, ma che per questo non debba per forza essere meno soddisfacente.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Free Online Rpg Games For Gay Men

Mini Mini Kit # 4 Kit # 3

I'm back as promised .... I was good ?????!!!!!!

This time I want you to see the "table" that I created is small .... maybe for the nursery or for a corner ......
I imagine me in a hidden corner with all the tools to create thumbnails ..... This is the scene in 1:1 which I hope will never come true ..... my partner threaten my removal because they are very messy: - {

Exactly measuring about 5x5 cm and 6.2 cm high. The kit is of medium difficulty ....

are satisfied with the result .... of course you can have other dimensions .... just ask .....

A kiss Angelina

Saturday, December 18, 2010

S Church Anniversary Ad

An award for me !!!!# 2

Grazieeeeeeeee one thousand Patrick Award!!
I'm really honored to receive it from you!!

These are the rules of the award and are very simple:

1) To thank those who have had a sweet thought

2) Write a post where fits all

3) Go to 12 blogs that we think deserve an award like

4) Insert the hyperlink of the selected blog

5) to go and report back to winning

course are very few 12:

Alma and Leah http:// /
Mari @

E' stata davvero dura scegliere solo 12 di voi......per me siete tutte da premiare....un bacio a tutte e grazie ancora per tutti i vostri commenti....
a presto

Solaris Wooden Clock Plan

HOWE GELB - The cowboy in Tucson has once again made the center but with "Alegrias"

Howe Gelb & A Band of Gypsies “Alegrías” (Eureka,2010)  -

Tracklist :
01. 4 Doors Maverick
02. (There Eere) Always Horses Coming
03. Blood Orange
04. Broken Bird & The Ghost River
05. Cowboy Boots On Cobble Ssone
06. Lost Like a Boat Full Of Rice
07. Notoriety
08. One Diner Town
09. Saint Conformity
10. The Ballad Of Lole Y Manuel
11. The Hungin’ Judge
12. Uneven Light Of Day
13. Where The Wind Turns The Skin Into Leather

Character acrobatic and eccentric Howe Gelb was first a precursor of a certain sound of the border with his main creature, the Giant Sand, then with the project of impromptu OP8 and big Band Of Blacky Ranchetto. But Howe has always been an outsider, one who prefers to take secondary roads, of experimentation, questioning, meet new challenges, new sources of inspiration for his music and even take risks with new ideas and projects. Each album transports you to distant lands and cultures together, the landscapes are constantly changing: moving from the Arizona desert of "Confluence" Denmark's "The Listener," to gospel (recorded with help of a Canadian choir) of the last "Like You" with 'Sno Angel to finish in Spain in multi-ethnic and tolerant city of Cordoba where (as Obama said recently) Arabs, Christians and Jews live together without conflict. A series of lucky coincidences led Mr. Gelb to reinterpret some of his old songs and writing new ones in flamenco style, like a "no man's land" on the move, preserving its roots anchored in its sound that has become desert now his trademark. The warm atmosphere and magic of this city as one body with Raimundo Amador and his Band of Gypsies (Lin and Juan Cortes Pank on guitars, Anil Fernandez to the cajon in addition to the choirs of angels, Rocio and Prin 'Lala) have led to record our new "Alegrias" (with a beautiful cover) under the control of his faithful John Parish . The curious thing is that the Band of Gypsies do not speak English as Howe does not speak English, apart from the few words of courtesy learned in his travels Mexican border, but his voice hoarse and beaches can disarm any listener, and so, without thinking twice, they started to play together for hours, getting in tune with simple gestures and lots of involvement. The remake of " 4 Doors Maverick" (from "Hisser") is creepy with that raspy voice so warm, that phrasing of flamenco guitar and handclapping to enrich one of the Gelb's best songs. Being kidnapped by a gypsy and wander around the world as a nomad is the feeling that transmits "Uneven Light Of Day" . Sounds twisted by Tapas bar at closing time with a last sip of tequila you can feel beautiful and nell'inedita "The Ballad Of Lole Y Manuel" sung in English, with the help of gypsy choruses fits perfectly. He returned to Arizona with desert landscapes of "Blood Orange" (from "The Listener") and its sunsets that leave you speechless, rebuilt with the help of three gypsy chicas in tow, while a plan just whispered and plucked the strings of a guitar accompanying him, at dusk, and the final melancholy "One Town Diner" . Amigos, il cowboy di Tucson ha ancora una volta fatto centro ( ) .
“RADI@zioni” è un programma curato da Camillo Fasulo, Marco Greco, Antonio Marra e Angelo De Luca, con la radi@ttiva collaborazione di Rino De Cesare, Fernando Falcolini, Carmine Angelo Olive and Tateo, aired every Monday and Friday between the hours of 22 and 24 on the issuer Radio Ciccio Riccio Brindisi - .

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

How Much Should I Pay For Pearls

Maureen Blatt. The last record of the Mohicans. The book originated in a historical record store in Turin

Backdoor, Torino, we are open. What? Roughly everything. And to all. Especially to those who really did not think could exist. But there are the colorful circus of customers - more or less haphazard, more o meno appassionati, più o meno folli - di uno storico negozio di dischi specializzato in vinile e intento a vivere l'amore per la musica dall'altra parte della barricata: un luogo talmente vero e talmente incredibile da essere più pop di un coretto dei Beach Boys. Ecco, allora, sfilare il piastrellista devoto al funky e alle donne di colore , l'audiofilo sorpreso dalla moglie con uno stereo in un appartamento affittato di nascosto e l'uomo che ha inventato i Massive Attack. Per non parlare dell'immigrato slavo che voleva morire sotto la sezione reggae, dell'indomabile Sentimentalista o del fan degli Alarm con documenti FIAT pose a threat to people ... strange? If you think so, you never had to deal with those customers, unsure of what to buy, asked: "But Che Guevara did nothing?". MAURIZIO BLATT Born in Turin in 1966, has set aside a career as a lawyer in the bud preferring Backdoor, historical record shop in town. Worked for years with the musical revue "noise." His song is How Soon Is Now? The Smiths. Given the choice, choose vinyl. Last of the Mohicans disc is his first book. "For Afro punk as we are?". "Excuse me, but what he means by afro punk?". "Well, like that guy, Jack Morris, one of The Doors. He died not?" "He's got one of Led Zeppelin with the supposed cover?" ...
Maureen Blatt the last disk of the Mohicans - Castelvecchi editor pp. 229 - € 15.00 -


Monday, December 13, 2010

Belly Punching Brazin Clips Com

Mini Kit # 2

Che bello seguire i vostri blog, si respira un'aria di gioia e di fermento per l'imminente Natale....
Io purtroppo have not yet managed to decorate my love nest for the holidays, but frankly it is a time a little sad .... :((((

I also wanted to compliment all the beautiful miniatures created .... it's really inspiring to see every day your masterpiece ....

And here I am finally here, as promised, to make meet my new projects ....

I managed to finish the laborious work needed to design parts for laser cutting ... but it does not seem to work lungoooooo, and then when you do not know the program and especially do not have the manual becomes much harder .... so I found the strength and desire and now I have a lot of pieces (which it stinks because I like ..... mmmmmh !!!!) and I'm there ready to be assembled ....

Today I want to see a mini-kit easy but in my opinion ..... cute ..... put in the right place!
a bench to rest your shoes at the entrance of a house .... maybe ....

Unfortunately I did not have a decent pair of shoes to use for the photo .... but surely someone cleverer than me will be around ....
In reality, this beautiful bench you could combine with a beautiful coat but I have not yet had the right inspiration!
wait to know what you think ....
For now, I salute you and promise to make me alive before Christmas!
a hug to all

PS THANKS TO ALL MY NEW FOLLOWERS !!!!! I hope the numbers continue to grow, perhaps up to 100, so I can prepare a gift for you .....

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Operations For Frontal Aneurism

LITTLE ITALY: Salento Rock Band

Band salentina nata nel gennaio 2010.
il gruppo si dedica al riarrangiamento di brani di ogni genere musicale italiano e straniero in una chiave rock molto personalizzata.
not only a cover for Little Italy, the band worked on developing their own songs, some of which will be published in a promotional mini-cd entitled LITTLE ITALY.

metallic rock
Gianluca Shark / guitars & vocals
Matthew Cirfera / guitars & vocals
Domenico de Cesare / bass & vocals
Damianone Rielli / drums

Female Animal Genitalia Gallery

QUEST FOR FIRE: difficult to remain unmoved listening to "Lights From Paradise"

Quest For Fire “Lights From Paradise” (Tee Pee Records, 2010)

Tracklist :  
1. The Greatest Hits By God
2. Set Out Alone
3.Strange Vacation
4. Confusion’s Home
5. In The Place Of A Storm
6. Psychic Seasons
7. Hinterland Who’s Who
8. Sessions Of Light

Eravamo rimasti al debutto dei Quest For Fire appena un anno fa. Grazie alla lungimiranza della Tee Pee Records questi quattro ragazzi si erano dimostrati una delle migliori scoperte della passata stagione. Un esordio in cui il gruppo aveva saputo far valere le proprie doti spaziando dall' hard stoner ad un grunge d'annata, il tutto filtrato mediante un emozionante processo psichedelico. Oggi la band di Toronto fa ritorno per deliziarci con “Lights From Paradise” un full lenght che legittima la bontà della loro proposta. Lo stoner si è ridotto ai minimi termini ma le sonorità già conosciute non sono andate perse. Solo l'involucro si è fatto meno diretto, meno prevedibile, come se il loro rock fosse sospeso in aria, fluttuante, avvolto in una sognante (e deviata) melodia che riconduce ancora una volta dalle parti dei Dead Meadow ( ).
È difficile rimanere impassibili all’ascolto di “Lights From Paradise”, come altrettanto difficile è pensare che un disco formato da otto brani che rimarranno a lungo impressi nelle nostre menti possa go unnoticed. "The Greatest Hits By God" is one of the openings over the impact of this 2010: a veritable odyssey western painted with beautiful violins and openings closed , in tail, with a delicate blend sounds. The temptation of the immortal ballad unplugged knocks on the door of the beautiful Psychic Seasons " burned by embers blues, then get back heavy-psychedelic in spectacular hairpin bends of "Hinterland Who's Who", vibrant stoner close to Pontiak in "Confusion's Home" and sweet, hot catharsis doom in progressive revelation "Sessions Of Light". The best predictions were confirmed: the Quest For Fire sono decisamente di classe “A” ( ).
(Rino De Cesare)
“RADI@zioni” is a program designed by Camillo Fasulo, Greek Marco Antonio Marra, Angelo De Luca, with the collaboration of sparse @ ttiva Rino De Cesare, Fernando Falcolini, Carmine Angelo Olive and Tateo, CW every Monday and Friday between the hours of 22 and 24 radio issuer Ciccio Riccio Brindisi - .

Monday, November 15, 2010

Sample Counter Offer Letter Accident

E 'A nice surprise!

How beautiful and what a joy!
Tuesday I received a beautiful envelope from France with a writing device "SURPRISE" so my parents never told me anything and Friday morning when I went to see them ..... it was a fantastic surprise, I started to jump out joy ....

And here's my first giveaway winner!!
Thanks to Genevieve ( her little creations are beautiful and live even more so, the picture is perfect and the bag wow .... for the next time I'm going to Paris stock exchange and the metro and city maps ....

Thursday, November 4, 2010

What Color Carpet With Burnt Orange Towels


Thank you all for having become my followers, I have no time to list them all in my post but I recommend to those who come to read me to go and peek in their blog because they are all very interesting and beautiful minis and ideas!
Thanks also to those who have a blog and decided to follow me!!
You are really a lot, I did not think to find all these people-concerned friends to my chores!
And thanks for the wonderful comments that I do, you're the reason why I continue to design and create ....

Meanwhile there that I update my minis kit shall (at design-drawing) and are also employed to produce something original for my first International Swaps .... the fortunate who will receive my gifts Marisa Stein (!
So soon with updates ....
kisses Angelina

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Briggs And Stratton Throttle Spring

An award for me!

Better late than never!
I was surfing the wonderful blog Sonya ( when in the post on August 22, I read that I had won a prize ..... but ..... I just got through Sonya, you were cute!! Me
are lost, and I hope it is still valid .....

The rule says I have to give it a 5 instead of the blog, but I want to dedicate all of you who follow me (though not this much)! thanks for the friendship and affection you give to me! So come and take the prize!

a hug Angelina

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Ftv Midnight Hot Online

Mini kit

Hello everyone, it's been a while that I do not write but I am finally!!
I managed to finish my first mini kit ..... Title: rack shabby!
Siccome sono, anzi cerco, di essere ecologista e riciclare e riutilizzare sono le parole chiave, questo piccolo progetto vuole essere un'idea particolare da utilizzare sia in scala 1:12, che in quella 1:1!!!
Avete capito da cosa sono partita? Vi svelo subito il segreto....avete presente quei pallet o bancali che ci sono in edilizia?
Nel complesso è molto semplice ma il risultato mi piace avete consigli sono qui pronta ad ascoltarvi....

Ciao e a presto con un altro mini kit.....

Vorrei anche ringraziare tutti i miei nuovi "seguaci" siete davvero tanti.....grazie, grazie, grazie.....

Baci baci

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Actresses Bollywood Has Biggest Boobs

the chariot driver

Non so se sia il mio stile di guida o un semplice fatto attitudinale. Forse a questo punto si è sparsa la voce e i miei amici mi vedono bene in questo ruolo, fatto sta che quest'anno sono giunto alla mia quinta uscita da autista di matrimoni e ormai posso dire di avere una certa esperienza. Ogni volta che mi viene chiesto sono sempre molto entusiasta della cosa perchè la vedo come una grande opportunità di passare del tempo prezioso con degli amici, in momenti unici ed estremamente privati. Per questo accetto sempre con grande gioia questo role, despite the justified protests of Laura, who is an orphan of my presence, at least until after receipt. Excluding this small brackets negative, it really is always a pleasure to participate, on a fairly marginal and of course, for a moment so beautiful in the lives of loved ones. The most exciting thing is always the first ride with the bride and father. At that juncture the tension and emotion are manifested in various ways. I saw my father become sensitive and impenetrable as the high school moved. I saw dad speechless and disoriented, sweaty dad and dad who gave a tone covering up an obvious agitation. I've seen some brides series and self-confident, as I have seen small ansie, batticuore, lacrimucce che scendono e "oddio se adesso mi cola il trucco cosa faccio?!?".
E' bello arrivare sul piazzale della chiesa mentre uno stuolo di persone schierate in semicerchio aspetta la sposa. Quel filino di tensione da entrata attraverso i paracarri dura appena qualche secondo. Qualche attimo in più se la macchina in questione non è mia, ma c'è sempre un Kecco o un Giovannone di turno che ti fanno un cenno rassicurante tipo "vieni dritto così che vai bene" e la figuraccia è scongiurata. Consegnata la sposa al suo promesso e parcheggiata la vettura con l'orto botanico sul cofano, il bravo autista si può rilassare e si gode la cerimonia come tutti. Poi ci sono il riso, le foto, i baci e gli abbracci, the drink driving in the cloister or in the yard, until the guests start the reception and I am left alone with the festivities, both this time. This is also a very special moment where you can enjoy the tranquility of their first husband and wife and I try not to bother. If I can cheer the way with an aperitif or a little 'music and peep from the mirror smiles and looks happy. When you arrive at your destination can also relax me, my job is over and the feast begins. I am pleased that everything went well and I regret that you have already done something he will be unforgettable in my memory. Soon we may touch to choose a driver for the big events, then everyone will be the chosen one must remember that, as a practical role, I will be a "client" very demanding.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Alpine 1242d 2ohm Vs 4ohm

Workshop # 1 Carignano 2 !!!!#

Ciao a tutte,
l'estate sta per finire e tra qualche giorno si torna alla routine di tutti i giorni.....non è che la mia sia così il mio amore torna a lavorare così sarò di nuovo sola con il mio topo pestifero....

Prima di partire sono riuscita a finire la rastrelliera in stile country imparata al corso di Carignano a luglio....dalla bravissima insegnante Alexandra ( ).
Non so ancora dove la collocherò ma il risultato finale mi piace molto....e poi sono riuscita a completarla...sono già felice per questo....

you like it? What do you think?
soon with news and other kits ....
kisses Angelina

Friday, August 20, 2010

Why Do Women Have Wicker Chairs At A Baby Shower


A big thanks to everyone for being gone to visit and have become my "followers are strategic "..... happy, you are just so many ..... 43! !

Welcome to: Sonya






Nuria Francesca

Arantxa and Silvia
n Carol








Nati http://loscuentosdenati . /





Un grazie di cuore e passate a visitare questi blog sono uno più bello dell'altro.....

Friday, July 30, 2010

Fast Heart Rate And Arm Pain

Let's go to ...

... The Island.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Progesterall ™ Legal In Europe


Now it's time to talk about it. I have not done so far for good luck, for fear that talking could make something happen then I would have slowed, leaving the span in the air. That is why earlier this year I said "if I do this year at least 2000 km public argument, otherwise not." Now that they are already nearly 2500 km I have to keep the promise I had made. Here I am talking about this last great passion, that really is not much lately.
I've always had a love affair with the bicycle as a child. As often happens, however, the great passions can also lead to fractures and long periods away endless. Just happened to me when my old bike hanging on a nail at the age of 18 years, after adventurous summers on my cyclo-cross and hill climbs care Dolomites, began a period of reluctance to the pedals so as not to make me not even own a bicycle to go downtown to shop. Car or scooter, there were no alternatives. I attribute this situation to a lazy person in my gradual, due to fatigue rather than any other, though minimal, motor activity generated in a heavy smoker who was I to this year. The beginning of the end of the bike and smoking are associated with double-locked to each other, this is not discussed. The fact is that, as the good Antonio in one of his rhymes urlatissime kiss "some love do not end, are of immense speed and then come back," I had my flashback to the two wheels are not motorized.
What has been gradual. Prior to my 31st birthday the proper Gianca got a nice bike man, black, elegant good for many occasions. This allowed me to get closer a bit 'to the pleasure of the bicycle fork. The real turning point, however, dates from last summer, when Laura has always been a lover of bikes and always motivated to do something for my health, decided to start it with the bike ride: "Why do not we buy the bike race? Think how nice if we had the race bike. Then we buy the bike race." After my initial aversion and categorically false, I re-engage the left half that had fascinated me since childhood. I remember well when the bike was the gift of promotion at school, was synonymous with independence, synonymous with summer. A little 'in the same spirit last summer I experienced the wonderful feeling of entering a bicycle shop, as I did with Mom and Dad, to choose the right one, with that spawning of emotion that comes when you are about to discard a good long-awaited gift.
From that day the Betta (this is the first name) came into my life in a constant and continuous. During the summer I gained confidence with the medium, then this winter I started to get serious in the same week that I quit smoking, not a public event in this post from six months January 20, 2010, the day of ' last cigarette! So time spent by the end of January to count to do now is 2500 km of cycling and 0 cigarettes. The way to go on the road to cycle home is still very long, I'm trying to follow it step by step, thanks to the advice of my personal coach Ivo, suggesting that follows me at a distance workouts and routes, I set small goals to be achieved gradually. The first I met and celebrated with this post, the next course, I keep promising myself to myself and the reader, to publish it as soon as it materialized.
Meanwhile, add a small handbook of beginner cyclist, I have gained in recent months of km cycled astride my trusty steed in 20 reports.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Green Green Episode 1 Uncensored

Jeff Beck # 1

A 18-20 years could not bear it, I found "inaccurate, sloppy, dirty, too instinctive, with sounds annoying, too" clumsy ". And I did not understand why the vast majority of interviews of great guitarists, Jeff Beck was appointed as an influence, even as often obvious, ancestral imperative.

Probably the passing years, but now revere. I saw the light.

To begin with, get this:

(more to come)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

I Love Money 2 Mellena


Over a year of dust in the pictures profile I also still have long hair.

Meanwhile, I changed the layout.

Maybe I'll change a little 'cutting of the blog.

We hope that the thrust of modernization is specific and not to finish writing the next post in over a year.

In this regard, I do the alarm:

To each of you, his favorite ..!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Combination Equation Calculator

It was Spain!

Somebody had to win the blue legacy, unattended football with so much nonsense from our delegation in South Africa and in the end it fell to Spain. Yesterday evening, the former captain Cannavaro sadly handed the golden cup in an attempt to remedy the nth fool of FIFA Blatter before the world, putting an end to a chapter of our history however memorable football. Let's face it: has anyone ever thought for one second that Italy would win this World Cup? Not me. I do not say in hindsight as an "I told you so" more of a discount, but you just saw leaving that Italy did not have the numbers to join this world leading. Without going into meetings missed, the wrong pink or considerations which I leave to the CT bar, enough for the eyes of the eleven on the pitch, the lack of conviction the pre-World to make us understand that we would not have gone far. Then we do things Italian-style, coming last in what was probably the easiest group of the whole world, but you know, or do things in a big way or not do. Pass the turn and exit in the second round or the quarter would have been too trivial, better get out now and with a bang. The good thing is that now is a new champion of the world, better than old acquaintances already decorated for which I have no great sympathy. Beautiful new and all-European final, I mean beautiful on paper, because at the level of the game was a bore, but looking a bit 'all over the world that even if we did not see a great football, we did intense and entertaining matches live mainly in the final minutes, with some recovery at the last minute and some incredible comeback (how beautiful the words to the courtly Bruno Pizzul !!!). Loved the fact that the first African world has seen a new world champion, though, romantically, it would be nice to see the semi-finals in Ghana, which has failed as a matter of millimeters. This world will leave less bitterness and less hassle of other editions (like the farce of 2002) and we'll remember for a number of things more or less unpleasant from vuvuzelas, to get to the Italo-German octopus (it was discovered that was caught on the island of Elba), says the football results. Now we return to
talk about football in our house, the market, those who go and those who remain, and cups of derby, the atmosphere of orphans worldwide, for the eternal children like me, you always brings a little 'to the summers of 20 years ago, when the matches were only those of the National TV and a few others. The magic of football to find you lived in very few circumstances, and this allows us to fix memories of places and people that otherwise would have forgotten. Certain knowledge from vacation, some hotels of the sea where you would not know even if he had stayed we would not have seen this game unforgettable. The world for now has not lost its charm and its character, not least of all, and even today you can live with eyes as a child watching the ball, rather than as an adult watching football, unlike football overdose winter, of which we could never do without, but for which we had to barter a bit 'of our genuine emotions, in exchange for coverage of Pay-per-view movies and HD.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Free Plans For Optimist Boat

Home sweet home! I love commercials

The road is still long, but the choice is made. Laura and I have taken up residence together. "It's about time!" comment was the average of relatives and friends in recent weeks and there is everything. I built and am silent, then who is closer to us, knows what is due to waiting so long, the other does not interest me. The important thing is that we have found the right place for us. After much wandering between houses medium, large, with and without garden, out of town and close to town and new and renovated and restored, as is often the case where we have never thought. Though the area was the most wanted and we are happy, the choice at the end is a flat, large enough to be there for a while 'for years, close enough to the city and to our parents that they can go to find a bike, but pretty much the countryside outside to see through the windows. As always, the best things are halfway there. As I had always told Laura that if a house was already purchased, must be the house you choose and you choose the house and it was! When we saw the apartment we felt that it could become our home, despite what you see there were good and what was to be placed. There can be a place that meets all from the beginning right? These models now on and will be a pleasure and a fun doing it, knowing that, as I said above, we still have a long way. For now we only signed a preliminary, but in the coming months we must sell the apartment of Laura, equip and furnish the new one, do a lot of small but important things that will cost time, money and effort, but I am sure, will give us great satisfaction .
Because the world is not all roses, I must emphasize the negative side of the operation Real Estate: I leave friendly territory to move in that arciodioso borgatari with the spade. It'll take me a bit 'to get used to the idea, but, thank God, the roots of Ghisiglieri are not eradicated, but only repotted a little' further. After taking possession of the new home, we will build our outpost in enemy territory, waiting for the first round of the district, if it ever will. Meanwhile, we have already commissioned ceramic tile with unicorn emblem to stick on the bell, just to leave no room for misunderstandings.
Once we are well placed to be a great pleasure to launch ourselves in invitations for drinks, dinner, after dinner, poker and games for the wii and all the excuses to be with our friends, while there is a little bit of space we are willing to shake for people who love us.