A man, a myth!
E' doveroso a questo punto mostrare al mondo anche colui che ci ospita da anni nella sua splendida casa in riva all'oceano Indiano. Se qualcuno sta pensando: "che palle ancora sto Kenya!" peggio per lui, di cosa volete che parli del tempo che c'è a Ferrara? In questa foto vediamo la persona che ha reso possibile sentirsi a casa propria anche in Africa. Lo zio Claudio! Per capire la filosofia di vita di quest'uomo bisogna sapere che, quasi 15 anni fa, arrivato all'aeroporto di Mombasa per tornare in Italia, scese dal pulmino e disse alla moglie ed agli amici: io resto qui. Having said that it was built home in a place where time there was no road, electricity and the nearest neighbors were the fishermen's hut by the sea. This sums up the approach to the existence of Claudione, something very close to "live and let live" seasoned sauce in Africa, with a dash of old-fashioned that Italy, which has remained frozen in the manner of one who no longer lives for many years. This man also does die laughing: his frankness and his direct approach to things and people have an irresistible contagion of optimism, which allows him to make several points in vitality, even to people much younger. Among its features I like to mention two: nicknames and multilingualism. The first is the art of naming anyone with different titles, ranging from the classic "Cicio" to the less common "wizard" through bandit, ruffian, gangster, or beautiful and love for the ladies. All this, of course, is absolutely independent of the degree of knowledge of the person, many seeds unknown, in fact, know him as Cicioclaudio. Instead to define its attitude to the languages, I can do nothing better than to bring an excerpt of a dialogue between the cook and his uncle Claudius Kalu (or Kalo, as he calls it.)
C: "Kalo! How to please. "
K: "yesss"
C: "Then Kalo. ... Tomorrow ... do lunch!" - Kalo assume un'aria a metà tra il concentrato e il preoccupato
C: "Filet fish fritt... "
K: " YESSS" - sempre più teso.
C: "... and vegetable, ma no boiled eh?!? Vegetable... Vegetable like mama yesterday." "No remember eh?"
K: "No!" rassegnato e deluso - anche se se lo ricordasse comunque non avrebbe capito.
C: "Eh you forgeit, you forgeit!"
Cosa dire di più? Un uomo, un mito!
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