Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Jeff Hardy Painting Games

Christmas wishlist!

I know! But the crisis is necessary to save money, I no longer have the age to write a letter to Santa Claus and everything you want to add ... mica fact I said you have to give me strength to something! But what better time to outsource some hidden desire? Missing 30 days at Christmas and 45 on my birthday! Both say it around does not cost anything! I go in any order, regardless of cost, nature of the object and utility level of the same!

- Men's Cycling Classic
- Nintendo Wii
- Nikon 18-200, VR
- Bathrobe
Space - A smartphone is compatible with Apple (basically an iphone)
- various CD or DVD (I know I should be more fashion, for this I miss it)
- A brown leather belt on
- Black shoes sports

At this point, good shopping at all!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Wording A Church Anniversary Ad

Massimo Papa!

E 'come Enrico Maria, aka Scissors (being the son of a card and a Sassi), of which around 4.30 Sunday, November 23 he made his input in Parma that counts. Yes, because you have to tell it like it is: This is not a baby any baby. Son of so and so many parents, divided between literature, engineering, journalism and publishing and enriched by a fancy name, can only delight us in the future with memorable feats. The name Enrico Maria Carta camp see him on the cover of a book at the bottom of the article of the first page of a newspaper, in the opening credits of a movie, or next to the title of CEO in the organization of some big company. I as an uncle, I will follow at a distance the performance of my first grandchild parmesan. Meanwhile congratulations to mom and dad Faith Max waiting to go to find the baby's family person.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Mount And Blade Bin Files

Simba's Pride!

I decided to print a book with the best shots taken on our last safari. More than 800 photos, taken in just 48 hours, I have chosen the best and I have collected in a book which I called "Simba's Pride". Not deny that was a satisfaction, after all these years, see a bit 'of my photos on paper. It was far too long for the hundreds of photos that I did not get printed every year and the solution of the photo book (of course layout weblog Mac!) Made me want to browse images, instead of clicking on the album online or in my data base. The following report what I wrote in the introduction page of my collection, and clicking on the picture below you can see the album then that I sent to press. If anyone prefers to browse from the truth ... just droppin 'in!

Lualeny, Kenya 7-9 October 2008
"Simba!" said our tracker for the first time we went up to Lion Rock, indicating a movement a few feet from our jeep, where a young simba, lion in Swahili, looked at us puzzled and intrigued. The magic of this hill Lualeny is embellished with lion population, which stands in the plains of the savannah as the king's castle in the midst of the low houses of his subjects. It 's the ideal place for someone like me, fell in love with the quiet rhythm of the African nature, of that feeling of loneliness that only together a land almost untouched can offer the traveler who passes through it. The
Lualeny Camp, designed and built by compatriot Gianni Gremmi, is a place where African hospitality, courtesy of the people still alive in the Taita originally from these areas is mixed with the taste of well throughout the Mediterranean, full of care for details. At first this combination seems to creak with the wilderness that surrounds it, then blends perfectly with it, wrapping the incredulous traveler who has the good fortune to be hosted on this site.
Each of the 75 photographs in this book was taken during the patrol in the length and breadth of this beautiful land, between the park and the border with Tsavo Tanzania, with the intention of establishing the strong emotions that these places have made us try.

Lualeny From 7-9 October 2008

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Mermaid Melody Locket

Face manga!

on reporting of the irreplaceable Pasetti, now king of the media bullshit, I leave the ' site address on which to create your face style cartoon Japanese http://www.faceyourmanga.it. The process is the same as a couple of sites already seen long ago when you could create a character from the Simpsons or South Park with their appearance. On the right the result of my portrait, cosa ne dite? Ovviamente è già diventato la mia immagine di profilo su facebook! Buon divertimento! 

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Steinberg Dongle Emulator Mac

A man, a myth!

E' doveroso a questo punto mostrare al mondo anche colui che ci ospita da anni nella sua splendida casa in riva all'oceano Indiano. Se qualcuno sta pensando: "che palle ancora sto Kenya!" peggio per lui, di cosa volete che parli del tempo che c'è a Ferrara? In questa foto vediamo la persona che ha reso possibile sentirsi a casa propria anche in Africa. Lo zio Claudio! Per capire la filosofia di vita di quest'uomo bisogna sapere che, quasi 15 anni fa, arrivato all'aeroporto di Mombasa per tornare in Italia, scese dal pulmino e disse alla moglie ed agli amici: io resto qui. Having said that it was built home in a place where time there was no road, electricity and the nearest neighbors were the fishermen's hut by the sea. This sums up the approach to the existence of Claudione, something very close to "live and let live" seasoned sauce in Africa, with a dash of old-fashioned that Italy, which has remained frozen in the manner of one who no longer lives for many years. This man also does die laughing: his frankness and his direct approach to things and people have an irresistible contagion of optimism, which allows him to make several points in vitality, even to people much younger. Among its features I like to mention two: nicknames and multilingualism. The first is the art of naming anyone with different titles, ranging from the classic "Cicio" to the less common "wizard" through bandit, ruffian, gangster, or beautiful and love for the ladies. All this, of course, is absolutely independent of the degree of knowledge of the person, many seeds unknown, in fact, know him as Cicioclaudio. Instead to define its attitude to the languages, I can do nothing better than to bring an excerpt of a dialogue between the cook and his uncle Claudius Kalu (or Kalo, as he calls it.)

C: "Kalo! How to please. "
K: "yesss"
C: "Then Kalo. ... Tomorrow ... do lunch!" - Kalo assume un'aria a metà tra il concentrato e il preoccupato
C: "Filet fish fritt... "
K: " YESSS" - sempre più teso.
C: "... and vegetable, ma no boiled eh?!? Vegetable... Vegetable like mama yesterday." "No remember eh?"
K: "No!" rassegnato e deluso - anche se se lo ricordasse comunque non avrebbe capito.
C: "Eh you forgeit, you forgeit!"

Cosa dire di più? Un uomo, un mito!

Stiff Neck Hard To Swollow

shudder. Brrr.

Sometimes I regret editions of Mai dire gol a bit 'of years ago ... 1996-97 ... 2000 to 2001 but also up to the courts, Bisio, Ugo Dighero, the Cortellesi, De Luigi, all characters of the gentlemen ...
... now I can not find nothing at the same level ...
.. but go home at half past midnight and read an interview with Dell'Utri chases away melancholy!
"I look at the TG3 - Dell'Utri attacks - and I see that there are anchorman who already face a 'Gothic', a little 'dark. Certainly, there are more Rai on other networks. I think the director of the news should show a greater esprit de finesse these things. Her, tell her the same, but maybe with another expression. "

course! Type TRIPPY MAGIC! (Remember that great character played by Cortellesi? The voice acting in commercials for kids!)

"Warning Satan can manifest itself. .. But Satan does not occur ..."
"no, no, with trippy joy and mystery always occurs at least try to make it more nuanced, more thrown away ..."
"CAN 'manifest Satan .."
"is here now trying to say it as if it was a beautiful thing, that is a benefit for the child's bedroom in Satan"

Senator of the PDL also has answers to some questions about Roberto Saviano, Gomorra writer as saying he is right to want to leave Italy. "The book he has written a book-report and as such the subject of much attention unpleasant."

Well certainly, the hassle of being bothered by the Camorra are "Caution unpleasant" like a maniac ... I know you panting on the phone, here is the

Dell'Utri also responds to Klaus Davi on Mussolini. "Wrong, no doubt - says the senator Dell'Utri - but when he was al potere lo Stato era più presente di quanto non lo sia adesso»

Minchia, ma ha ragione! A volte lo stato era così presente che non so, te lo trovavi la sera, ti veniva a prendere di notte, e ti faceva le coccole con i bastoni di ciliegio "un legno dolce!" (cit.)

Il senatore siciliano torna anche sull'argomento Mangano: «Malato com'era, sarebbe potuto
uscire dal carcere e andare a casa, se avesse detto solo una parola contro di me o contro il presidente Berlusconi. Invece non lo ha fatto. Per me è un eroe, a modo suo» Dell'Utri said. "A bill - he adds - and say so, say that an account is a hero in an absolute sense."

Well of course! In short, a few admirers also Hitler, Charles Manson, the Savi brothers and the Monster of Foligno had the will. In short, FOR HIM Mangano was a hero. It 's all a matter of relativism.
And maybe the heroes also give you some kind of yardstick on the person who proclaims such.

Black Softcore Actress

New Blogspot Gadget!

Qui sulla destra trovate l'ultima idea degli amministratori di blogspot: l'elenco dei lettori. Attendo con ansia di sapere chi si registrerà per primo come frequentatore del mio blog (se non sarà Sandro ne soffrirà a vita!) ma invito tutti a segnarsi in questa lista. So che qualcuno legge spesso ma non commenta mai e sarebbe bello sapere di chi si tratta. Ora con questa lista potremo saperlo, così creiamo anche una piccola ed esclusiva community! Lo so... ce ne sono gia troppe, tra blogs, facebook e social network vari, ma in questa, almeno, saremo in pochi di sicuro!