Saturday, October 18, 2008

Why Do Some Men Let Their Pinky Nail Grow?

Anvedi sheep bleating

With 103 beats per minute, the Bee Gees song, made famous by the movie with John Travolta, can be a lifesaver. The study says the Medical University of Illinois who has calculated that the pace of the song is perfect for re-start a heart that has just had a cardiac arrest. The study, involving 15 students and two teachers, was carried out with the mannequins and the students were asked to make a heart massage to the rhythm of the song. The results have convinced the American Heart Association to elect to use a piece of Beegees for the next two years training in first aid.
(source )

From this it follows that playing guitar in a disco-funky cover band-70s I count as community service, even more .. it is a humanitarian mission!


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