Uhm ... And sometimes a burp 'for an answer.
I Savoia chiedono 260 milioni di euro allo Stato italiano come risarcimento per i danni morali subìti in 54 anni di esilio. In più la restituzione dei beni confiscati.
Hanno finito le olive?
Ma faccio notare la gocce che fanno traboccare il vaso dello schifo:
1) la mossa arriva "a ridosso della prescrizione che scatterebbe alla scadenza dei cinque anni dal rientro in Italia" .
2) Quanto ai proventi dell'eventuale vittoria processuale, Tornaforte precisa che andrebbero to a newly formed Foundation Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia "allocating them" to charity and to support the most disadvantaged sections of society. "
well ... they do for the people, the subjects, the subject. What are magnanimous!
I mean, we believed that the absence of any ethical qualms were a prerogative of "new-political-parties-from-the-world-of-business", and instead are apparently starting at residue behind.
And maybe that's why the sense of the state (understood not as a fetish heralded by some neo-fascist, but understood as a people, public affairs, public good) and the civic consciousness that we are what they are.
Just beautiful
these former rulers (EX, which in 2007, these securities should be only waste paper) returning five years ago were interviewed, with the handsome prince who was piacione in every television and advertising as well with the olives that made its -Human-as-a-us, saying he wanted to return only to matters "affection" for the love of their country ... ...
the same country that gave up, formed by the same people who sign diederno fed to the fascists the racial laws in 1938.
But you know, in Italy we have very little memory.
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