Monday, November 26, 2007

Monster Energy Drink Refrigerator For Sale

Tonight I'll go to the casino?

This summer I read "Two of Two" by Andrea de Carlo.
You know, it's usually a book that we read many years before my quarter-century. But the time and I have a strange relationship, or rather "our" (will sooner or later a post about it, ndPep).

Never mind that as a style of writing I did not like. Sentences are too short. Everything short. Periods not exceeding two lines. There is in that book the concept of "break the glass, which could be translated as a kind of" nothing ventured, nothing gained "or" fortune favors the brave. "

I think a little 'we took. That book is all written in sentences. Court.

I tried to make a partial examination, without being too prepared, because with very little anxiety before a "try and see how it goes and if it does not amen" result: the past.

I realize that the bonus "barrel-of-ass" has been dramatically reduced after this.

But the concept of "trial & who cares if it does not" need to remember to use it more often.

There is only one area of \u200b\u200bmy life when I break the glass in my case it did not work, but rather we cut bad .. and is the area most asshole, that you pull behind the mood all the rest and is less dependent on what da noi.
Ma non si può avere tutto.

Per cui stasera al casinò, che è un momento buono..!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Driver For Sound Blaster Ct4780

Uhm ... And sometimes a burp 'for an answer.

I Savoia chiedono 260 milioni di euro allo Stato italiano come risarcimento per i danni morali subìti in 54 anni di esilio. In più la restituzione dei beni confiscati.

Hanno finito le olive?
Ma faccio notare la gocce che fanno traboccare il vaso dello schifo:

1) la mossa arriva "a ridosso della prescrizione che scatterebbe alla scadenza dei cinque anni dal rientro in Italia" .

2) Quanto ai proventi dell'eventuale vittoria processuale, Tornaforte precisa che andrebbero to a newly formed Foundation Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia "allocating them" to charity and to support the most disadvantaged sections of society. "

well ... they do for the people, the subjects, the subject. What are magnanimous!

I mean, we believed that the absence of any ethical qualms were a prerogative of "new-political-parties-from-the-world-of-business", and instead are apparently starting at residue behind.

And maybe that's why the sense of the state (understood not as a fetish heralded by some neo-fascist, but understood as a people, public affairs, public good) and the civic consciousness that we are what they are.
Just beautiful
these former rulers (EX, which in 2007, these securities should be only waste paper) returning five years ago were interviewed, with the handsome prince who was piacione in every television and advertising as well with the olives that made its -Human-as-a-us, saying he wanted to return only to matters "affection" for the love of their country ... ...

the same country that gave up, formed by the same people who sign diederno fed to the fascists the racial laws in 1938.
But you know, in Italy we have very little memory.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Woke Up Puking And Diarrhea

pressure on the wings keeps us in the air for asbestos

not what it seems ... anything ...
For the "purists" or "fixed" or "jocks" or those who do not yet understand that music is vast, I only say that this little piece that looks like a "pop shit"

- Ivano Fossati has written
- is modal
- Michele Quaini the guitar is spectacular

but beyond all seems ste "techniques" ... send me something, and eventually that's what counts. We
or not we are made of emotions, and maybe not go all the time to find them?

Monday, November 12, 2007

Cervical Mucus Before Period Yellowish


There Linko an interesting post that deserves to shoot a bit '.

Stop by the blog of shame Feowyn

As usual, in Italy, collective emotion of the moment passed, then we tend to forget ..!

and the state doing?
is dismayed, indignant, undertakes
then throws in the towel with great dignity
(F. De Andrè - Don Raffaè)

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Distal Clavicle Resection

Ipse dixit

"There ' Bulgaria has never been an edict, nor have I ever said that these gentlemen were not to make television "(November 7, 2007)

quiet, a moment, we reason.

"The use Biagi, Santoro, ... what is it called that ... Luttazzi have made of public television, paid for with money of all, is a criminal use. And I think it is a duty of the new leadership not to allow this to happen more. "(April 18, 2002)

E 'diabolically perfect.
If taken literally, you never addressed directly to them.
This is the result of a team of communication experts who have designed an ad hoc text.
The notion is that, but never said directly "I want them the fuck out."
as I know, maybe even stand up in court.

reminds me of the smart way to do an exclusive club ... that when calling you "Mr." is cagarsi from below, and when he talks about "horses" non parla di animali.

Al di là di tutto, due giorni fa abbiamo perso una delle ultime grandi teste del giornalismo italiano, che hanno provato a far passare per comunista anche se non lo è certo mai stato, e su cui già il giorno dopo è possibile sputare merda, per apparire un po' più puliti ed innocenti, ed esenti da qualunque colpa.
Si è perso completamente il rispetto della professionalità, della competenza, ad ulteriore dimostrazione di come nella società attuale lo stile che va per la maggiore sia quello di pararsi il culo e pensare a sé stessi, negando l'evidenza, nascondendo la mano che ha lanciato fino ad un millisecondo prima una pioggia di sassi.

Uomini piccoli, and not only in stature.

But we still like the new men, those who have made all by themselves ...

c'avevo that I have many friends,
have a working,
I am made a career
is not right that the loss
I am all done by me, I have done everything to me!
I know that many people,
I came up from nothing,
I've got an attractive position,
not just that the loss
I am made everything myself, I have done everything myself, I have done everything to me ...
I am made all of ...

(as was well ...?)

(Giorgio Gaber - The smell, 1974)