Monday, February 28, 2011

Vtv Digital Surveillance Diriver

E 'born a Gem!

Sabato 26 Febbraio alle 22,00 è nata la mia quarta nipotina Gemma, del non irrilevante peso di 3,950 kg e lunghezza di 51 cm. La piccola Govoni ha fatto di tutto per non uscire dalla pancia di mamma Brigida, finchè un dottore testardo le ha sballato tutti i piani con uno scorrettissimo parto cesareo. La piccola Gemma, per quanto inizialmente riluttante all'idea, sembra ben ambientarsi nel mondo che la circonda e comincia già a far valere il suo carattere. Non gradisce molto la vetrina dell'asilo nido del Sant'Anna dalla quale indirizza smorfie varie a chi la ammira al di là del vetro. Già dal primo incontro con le famiglie Bellini e Govoni fuori dalla sala parto, ha dimostrato di gradire invece la compagnia e di scrutare incuriosita tutti, da papà Riccardo in poi. Sia Gemma che la sua mamma stanno benone e ricevono numerose visite da parenti e amici.
Spero di essere per lei un buono zio, tanto quanto Brigida e Riccardo saranno dei fantastici genitori, le dò un benvenuto grandissimo nella nostra famiglia e la aspetto a braccia aperte nella mia vita daily.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Driver Per Pctv 150e Per Windows 7

THE LIKE: un mix di retro-pop e sexy-soul dal sapore “indie”

LIKE THE "Release Me" (2010)
Five years after the onset Los Angeles, the band tries again and this time is serious. The four women (the band) all near the age of 25, appear on the cover dressed in very light helping to create just the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing in front of a disk light, but also fresh and crisp ...
lived in the shadow of the now much more famous The Pipettes, The Like to have a fascination equally appreciated, also the result of an aesthetic very accurate (which never hurts!). Musically speaking, that is ultimately what we're most interested in this matter, place a handful of tunes that is very difficult to remove from the mind, even after hearing them once. The record, concision, is a mix of pop and retro-sexy-soul-flavored "indie." Catchy tunes and rhythms youth are the other ingredients. Eye on the girls! (Carmine Tateo)

Friday, February 25, 2011

Intitle:network Camera

WIRE: uno dei pochi gruppi davvero rilevanti tra quelli nati durante l'esplosione del punk nel 1977

WIRE "Red barked Tree (Pink Flag, 2011) -

Tracklist :  
01. Please Take
02. Now Was
03. Adapt
04. Two Minutes
05. Clay
06. Bad Worn Thing
07. Moreover
08. A Flat Tent
09. Smash
10. Down To This
11. Red Barked Trees

Two and a half years away from "Object 47", the previous studio album, the Wire back with a new work "Red barked Tree", the 12th of their career. The record shows less electronic and more electric guitar than the last records of the historic post-punk English, with acid derivative, new wave, art-punk and some episodes more pop. According to the same band, this collection with the Wire wanted to get closer to their live performances with which they were heavily engaged in recent years. ( )
is not easy to judge impartially in a new work of Wire, band monument can still generate devotion and respect, 34 years after their debut. Students of Fine Arts, always attentive to both aspects grafici che metodologici della propria creatura, i quattro ragazzi inglesi si resero protagonisti, nell’arco del biennio 1977/1979, realizzando "Pink Flag", "Chair Missing" e “154”, tre albums che in pochi mesi scolpirono la storia del punk e del post-punk, e che peseranno come immensi macigni sulle loro teste per tutto il resto della carriera: metri di paragone impossibili da eguagliare. Non è facile raccontare la storia dei Wire, ma certamente si può affermare che ancor oggi siano uno dei pochi gruppi davvero rilevanti tra quelli nati durante l'esplosione del punk del 1977. Nel corso della loro travagliata esistenza, tra scioglimenti e rifondazioni, non sono mai stati colpiti dal morbo dell'autocelebrazione but have always remained faithful to the idea of \u200b\u200bevolution and experimentation that has made them somewhat immune to the passage of time. The current creative phase of the Wire (which has already seen the production of the excellent "Send" , "Object 47" Ep and the set of "Read And Burn"), sees the absence guitarist Bruce Gilbert, who has called out a few years. Today, the line-up consists of the three original members Colin Newman, voice and guitar, Graham Lewis, vocals and bass and Robert Gotobed \u200b\u200bbehind the battery. ( )
Elegant and refined, as in the initial "Please Take", rhythmically varied, as the next "Now Was", or melancholy power-rock like " Adapt, which could rise to the role of the new official anthem of the band, Wire are reconfirmed, with "Red barked Tree", a group of higher stature. The trajectories are diverse music presented here and is between granite riff of "Two Minutes", a razor in the drawer remained stagnant for nearly a decade, the fastest round of "A Flat Tent", which live, make no mistake, it will be a real bomb, and yet "Smash" verso la fine, riesce nella complicata missione di permettere all'insieme il definitivo salto di qualità, conferendo a "Red Barked Tree" la giusta dose di orecchiabilità, senza mai scadere nella faciloneria da quattro soldi. ( )
Concludendo, se è questo l’album con cui si vuole provare a conoscere la musica dei Wire, lasciate perdere e puntate altrove la vostra attenzione. Se, invece, com’è giusto che sia, conoscete già la band, “Red Barked Tree” vi piacerà and you can not but appreciate the approach and the verve with which they conceived Wire. ( )

"Radi @ tions" è un programma curato da Camillo Fasulo, Marco Greco, Antonio Marra e Angelo De Luca, con la radi@ttiva collaborazione di Rino De Cesare, Fernando Falcolini, Angelo Olive e Carmine Tateo, in onda tutti i lunedì e venerdì tra le ore 22 e le 24 sull’emittente radiofonica Ciccio Riccio di Brindisi – .

Sunday, February 20, 2011

What's In Compressed Air

Minituritalia 2011

As promised, I show you now my purchases Miniature ... I would also like
thank you all for your warm greetings ... it was really nice to see familiar faces and a chat with you ...
Thanks for the compliments on my new look, as you can see I'm in the mood for change (yet another new look in my blog) and as I said to Anna: "It could change your life ...!!!!" :-(

few photos to better see these little wonders ....

These beautiful boxes are in metal Alexandra Cantatore ( http://alemikimikri . / )

And since I love the cows could not be lacking in the miniature-Bagus .... Adriana is a talented artist who makes magic with Fimo ...

Well I wanted to buy a lot of other things ....
a big hug to all

Friday, February 18, 2011

What Should I Put In My Wedding Welcome Letter

CHAPEL CLUB: Fulgido esempio di sapienza melodica l'album "Palace"

CHAPEL CLUB “Palace” (Loog/Universal, 2011) -

Tracklist :  
01. Depths
02. Surfacing
03. Five Trees
04. After The Flood
05. White Knight Position
06. The Shore
07. Blind
08. Fine Light
09. O Maybe I
10. All The Eastern Girls
Paper Thin

The term "hype" is the name that singular phenomenon of perfect indie-band of strangers, often characterized by tight cigarette pants, black leather jacket and tousled frangettone of order, please come to collect the music critics even before have published their debut album. In most cases, the "next big thing" of the moment is deflated just as quickly as it had swollen to leave to posterity a couple of singles and a little more radio-friendly. Sometimes, however, reveals the gem rough diamond, as in the case of Horrors, initially famous only for the look dismal, but subsequently found to be one of the few certainties of contemporary rock.
I Chapel Club giungono alla pubblicazione di “Palace”, il loro primo album, dopo un anno in cui abbiamo visto il loro nome rimbalzare spesso tra i titoli delle piú celebri riviste musicali d’oltremanica, nonché tra le schermate di webzine e blog piú o meno autorevoli. “Palace” si muove sulla scia dell’ondata di revival post-punk/dark-wave, che ha portato alla nascita negli ultimi anni di tanti piccoli cloni di Joy Division, Bauhaus e via dicendo. Cosa rende allora questo esordio tanto speciale, degno di essere giudicato probabilmente la prima grande uscita del 2011? Molto semplice, la qualità delle canzoni. ( )
melodic shining examples of wisdom, not to mention pop, "Palace" is a record in which practically all the songs are potential singles. Inevitably the choice of "Surfacing," which opens just after the introduction of environmental "Depths" insistent rhythm section, chorus curiously citing "Dream a Little Dream of Me" by Mama Cass between majestic synth and guitar shoegaze. Typically, this, that never stays but is a constant undercurrent, to emerge powerfully in "The Shore", halfway between the power of the Ride and Echo and the Bunnymen. There are also pop pieces like "O Maybe I" (with a bass riff that seems to slow down Peter Hook) and "Eastern All The Girls", easily remembered, but never cloying, even after countless plays. In short, there are many memorable insights: "Blind", for example, between the tracks that were circulating before the disc looks like a papal candidate next single, with a riff that we are sure will reap many victims. ( )
who manages to grab the limited edition of "Palace" will find attached a second CD containing four songs released in December as " Wintering EP " : among them" Widows ", who reigns from his eight minutes. A lullaby in which there's verse and chorus structure to thin and lose one another, so as to develop some variations (one of which closes the procession). The guitars are miraculous: that elusive crystals rotate in an ethereal interplay of reflections. Each creates a pattern that is called the other slightly modified, and so on until the tissue is thickened to the point of losing contact with the original matrix (all in the space of only two chords). Add to this the slide guitar crying in the distance, the solo line in the vicinity of the chorus, the joints of the piano, and you'll get a game of which overlaps with the Chapel Club staring reach heights of creativity and complexity. Waiting to see them peeping out for a week in the UK charts and then disappeared, and although some press does not want to expose themselves (it's just NME to waver this time) dare una possibilità al quintetto londinese risulta un obbligo morale, almeno per gli appassionati di certe sonorità. ( )
(Rino De Cesare)
“RADI@zioni” è un programma curato da Camillo Fasulo, Marco Greco, Antonio Marra e Angelo De Luca, con la radi@ttiva collaborazione di Rino De Cesare, Angelo Olive e Carmine Tateo, in onda tutti i lunedì e venerdì tra le ore 22 e le 24 sull’emittente radiofonica Ciccio Riccio di Brindisi – .

Raven Rileymobile Raven Riley

BLACK FRANCIS: Ritorno alle origini per l'ex Pixies con "The Golem"

BLACK FRANCIS "The Golem" (2010)

major comeback for the former Pixies, thanks to his solo career, seems to live a second youth, while the long-awaited reunion of seminal band that now seems an unattainable mirage ...
"The Golem ", also available in a version with 4 extra-large CD plus DVD, is a very atypical for our album: it has, in fact, real songs interspersed with some bizarre psycho-folk jingles that seem to have been created just as hypothetical voice-overs for films. Back to the roots and then to Mr. Black of course, referring to his early exit from "single". A horn section here and there spoke in support of some songs to help raise even more the tone of the entire disc. Despite no longer "green age" Frank Black or Black Francis, if you prefer, always manages to surprise. (Carmine Tateo)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Low Cost Eye Exams In Dallas Texas

some photos for you! # 2

Since I'm too amused to set my mini-kit in the previous post, I want to show these other photos I took ....
As I mentioned before I'm happy because my mini-kit and in this case the "abundance" can be adapted to various styles and at various locations .... you like??
's ultra-modern style, an exhibition of colorful pots ...
And now for a more country-style kitchen.
Now it is time to return to work ... in the next post I will show my purchases in Miniature ...
a big hug to all

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Iron Deficiency Knee Pain

some photos for you! Mini-kit # 7

Some time ago I was asked to give a setting to my mini-kit .... so I started rummaging in the boxes of miniatures purchased over the years and made by (there are also gifts )....
This is the result ....
I really enjoyed creating this little corner and are especially happy with how my kits are great together ... it was just That's my goal, to create furniture that could stand well together and not only individually ....
Now I do see some details:

The bottles are glass and are German.
The "Nutilla" is Minicaretti and sweets in gift boxes are a Minilisa.

The book is a gift (if I remember correctly Monica), and these cookies, more precisely Baci di dama (which I love very much and unfortunately I can not eat) are Minilisa

The pan and the cake are Minicaretti pasqualina instead and the cake is my own creation made in a workshop Mimmo ....

I thank all my new "followers", thanks for joining in my blog, you are all why every day I try to think and create something new ...

Soon you'll see my purchases Miniatuitalia ...
a big hug Angelina

Friday, February 11, 2011

What Does Swollen Ankles Indicate

ROVISTANDO IN ARCHIVIO abbiamo rispolverato "Sweet Fanny Adams", superlativo e creativo capolavoro per gli SWEET

SWEET “Sweet Fanny Adams” (RCA, 1974)
Gli Sweet hanno notevolmente influenzato il movimento heavy metal, in particolar modo la sottocorrente pop metal degli anni ’80. L’album “Sweet Fanny Adams, "published in 1974, has a very hard way, because it reminds such a heinous murder committed by Frederick Baker against an 8 year old girl named Fanny Adams. "Sweet Fanny Adams" became a way of saying in plain English language meaning as having "nothing at all" or, more explicitly, "fuck all". The record, despite two compositions signed by "hit makers" Chinn & Chapman, Sweet is definitely 100%, with metal masterpieces like the title track and "Set Me Free" or darker "Into the Night." The album entered the top 40 English, and No. 2 in the top in Germany where Sweet still are still much loved. 9 tracks on the disc are all very beautiful, played with great passion, without blurring or dead spots. The deadly thing is that, after almost 37 years, this work is still fresh, genuine and steel, a cornerstone of the rock scene. "Set Me Free," the powerful opening track of the album, was written by guitarist Andy Scott. The sound of his Gibson enters the veins, the battery of shots Mick Tucker synchronized deals at the most, down by Steve Priest is energetic as ever and the voice of Brian Connolly powerful, by the vocal timbre with acute invasive but, completes the . "No You Do not," the third track on the album is irrefutable evidence the validity of this album ... just crazy! "Sweet Fanny Adams" or better to say, "Sweet FA" the song is divided into several phases with overwhelming effect, a mix of sounds and rhythms with tight piercing guitar solos, rumbling bass hits , a large chorus and then gong, tubular bells, gunshots effect ... is rarely found in the rock scene a song like that ... simply superlative, creative, a true masterpiece!
The Sweet born in London, UK, in 1968. They were among the most influential representatives of glam rock and hard rock in the '70s and a source of inspiration for many groups over the years to come. Their origins are traced back to the mid 60's, when England were active in Wainwright's Gentlemen, a group where we find the future soul Sweet drummer Mick Tucker. It was in Wainwright's Gentlemen, which was the first contact between Tucker and Brian Connolly, who will become the lead singer of Sweet, as the latter replaced the microphone behind a certain Ian Gillan, who later became famous with Deep Purple. The two remained in Wainwright's Gentlemen until '68 when they decided to launch a new music project, calling the bassist Steve Priest. The staff was completed by guitarist Frank Torpey. The name chosen for this new adventure Music was then shortened Sweetshop Sweet with the release of Torpey and the arrival of Andy Scott. So many songs to remember, among others, in the abundant production of Sweet seventies: "Action," "Fox on the Run," "Ballroom Blitz", "Love is like oxygen," "Teenage Rampage", "Blockbuster" "Hell Raiser," "The six-teens," Lost Angels "as a cover ... almost all taken from other famous names like Saxon, Krokus, Def Leppard, Raven, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Motorhead, Damned and Vince Neil (Motley Crue ) ... just to mention a few.
To return to the contents of this album: "Into The Night", dark, with chimes and solo performances in close-up of the bells "Living Dead" is a jewel of the forest. Could serve as a soundtrack for a horror movie. "Restless" with the bass in the foreground and the chorus of voices of the four components is lust! "Heartbreak Today" is a genuine lust-style glam rock. "Peppermint Twist", the only cover this is a true hymn revival sweeping the ball in vogue in the '60s, while "Rebel Rouser", very catchy, relaxes you: it is a piece of bumper cars (... the legendary self-moon ski park!). "AC / DC", finally, became famous in Italy as a popular, "Supersonic", the legendary program RAI Radio 2 in the first half of the '70s. This disc can not miss the disco lover like a Rock.
(Teresa Garate)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wiring Diagram For Motion Sensor

THE DECEMBERISTS: lively and intelligent with the new "The King Is Dead"

The Decemberists "The King Is Dead " (Rough Trade, 2011)

Tracklist :
01. Don’t Carry It All
02. Calamity Song
03. Rise To Me
04. Rox In The Box
05. January Hymm
06. Down By The Water
07. All Arise!
08. June Hymm
09. This Is Why We Fight
10. Dear Avery

"The King Is Dead" signs the return of the crew of "Carbonari" of Portland, led by Colin Meloy. After the interesting and compelling exploration lands in the sound of progressive / experimental rock, very "Inglese style", with the previous "The Hazards of Love" (2009), the The Decemberists, become again carried by the atavistic impulses of the rain forests of the Northwest U.S. ( ) . "The King Is Dead" will probably leave you puzzled a big chunk of the fans of the first hour, as it is physiological that happens in the artistic career of a band quite influential. We are not in the presence of a disk sensational, but after the excesses of the previous chapter there is music rather than to remain optimistic. The King is dead, and even we realized! ( ) . the courage (or was it recklessness?) Does not always pay. And so, in 2009, an ambitious concept album "The Hazards of Love" has grossed far more critical (even ferocious and undeserved) praise it. Colin Meloy, the bespectacled nerd the long view has always been holding the helm of the Decemberists, the best retro-progressives of America in recent years, had become accustomed to the pampering of journalists and have been maintained very poorly. The fact is that he promptly reverse gear meshed and the yin to that album, "prog-folk-metal" da lui stesso definito un “musical mancato”, risponde oggi con lo yang di “The King Is Dead”, titolo in un certo qual modo evocativo (nel 1986 gli Smiths pubblicavano “The Queen Is Dead”, ricordate?) per una collezione di canzoni semplici, lineari e cristalline come non mai. 10 canzoni (niente suite, nessuna fiaba allegorica o astruso sottotesto, stavolta!), poco più di 40 minuti di musica. Al primo impatto si arriva già al cuore del disco, perché “The King Is Dead” ha il pregio dell’immediatezza e della comunicativa: i cinque giovanotti dell’Oregon, barbe occhiali e aria rustica da contadini del rock, sono tornati scientemente alle loro radici college, a quel American indie sound firmly planted in the early '80s by 10,000 Maniacs and REM And the fact that there will be three titles in the Rickenbacker of Peter Buck in person makes their connection more explicit and authentic: too well, although the jingle jangle guitar and the drums of "Calamity song" (someone else has already pointed out, but you can only subscribe to) are immediately reminded of an outtake or a ghost track from "Murmur" or "Reckoning" nearly 30 years later. Buck is felt, and how, even in “Down by the water”, e sono di nuovo sapori forti di R.E.M. con l’umore giusto per spopolare nelle college radio dentro e fuori il Web; l’ombra di Neil Young si allunga invece sulla suggestiva “Dear Avery” (strofa malinconica, inciso solare e arioso), mentre il sapore un po’ western di “This is why we fight”, l’episodio più rock, aggressivo ed elettrico della raccolta, piacerebbe sicuramente anche all’ultimo Billy Bragg. And what about "Rise to me"? Probably the best collection, with that sweet and fragrant mix of pedal steel, six-string acoustic and harmonica that unmistakable signature sound of this album. A hard crisp and pleasant, certainly less adventurous and challenging of the above. The final focus, the test of maturity after five discs varied and vibrant inspiration? Well, the Decemberists are a band lively and intelligent, curious and self-deprecating. Capable, like few others today, to surprise, to overturn the odds and reshuffle the cards. Bet that next time will change direction again? ( ) .
"Radi @ tions" is a program designed by Camillo Fasulo, Greek Marco Antonio Marra, Angelo De Luca, with the collaboration of sparse @ ttiva Rino De Cesare, Fernando Falcolini, Carmine Angelo Olive and Tateo, CW every Monday and Friday between the hours of 22 and 24 radio issuer Ciccio Riccio Brindisi - .

Monday, February 7, 2011

What Weave Does Ciara Use

I'm back as promised, this time I did not wait too long, true? Go to periods .... and this is one of the positive ones that I love to create ....

This next mini kit complete some say that a little earlier than me .... explain better .... after the table and the chair why not take a stool??

Exactly the "stool" in the same style of chair ....
Her measurements are approximately 3.5 x 2, 5cm high and is about 4cm. The kit is very easy ....
Here are the photos:

I hope you like it!? A big hug Angelina

PS: do not forget that the 12 and 13 February in Milan there is the beautiful and only exhibition dedicated to our miniature Miniature .... waiting for us ..... What
.... nice to see old faces and maybe meet someone new ....
I will be at the exhibition opening Saturday ...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Games Where U Can Get Preganant

The Record's - comes from Brescia, the band more "Inglese" in Italy!

THE RECORD'S "De Fauna And Flora" (2010)

might seem strange but, as noted recently by presenting their debut album, The Record's coming from Brescia and the band are certainly more "Inglese", at present, we have in Italy. "De Fauna And Flora", 2nd job for the Lombardy trio, is a veritable compendium of all that buono c’è tra Blur e The Shins, e presenta una scaletta che sale incalzante, senza mai mettere un piede in fallo.
Se ricordavate i The Record’s per un esordio all’insegna del più arrembante power-pop, beh, adesso qui gli orizzonti espressivi e stilistici si dilatano a dismisura volgendo verso uno psychedelic-pop di qualità. I The Record’s hanno messo in fila una serie di canzoni che fanno subito venir voglia di riascoltare questo disco da capo e poi ancora da capo per ascoltarlo e riascoltarlo. “De Fauna Et Flora” è disco di una freschezza assoluta.
(Carmine Tateo)

Dragonball Bulma Boobs Episode

WOW ... is the new album (double) of Verden

VERDENA “Wow” (Black Out - Universal, 2011) -
“Dove andranno i Verdena, after "Requiem"? Is there a middle ground between "the new Nirvana" Music and the desperation of these songs, but it is said that the Verdena are looking for. " So ended, in April 2007, the review by "Requiem" on With hindsight, one can definitely say that the compromise Verdena have not tried and went straight on their way, even the way they left. They holed up in Valley Lujo, near their Albino, not making any news leaked for three years, isolating himself in his life, with fantasy, sounds, but also full of joy and problems such as birth to death of a child for the singer Alberto, the breaking of a hard drive inside with a lot of material already recorded. No compromises were saying. Already, in 2011 when you decide to give the prints a record like "Wow, your position is clearly that of someone who refuses all marketing strategy and loves to make records as they did once. The direction is clear from the choice of first single opt for the crazy folk lopsided and the text of "Hell and fire rockets harpy" and not the "perfect individual" for pop melody, duration, and the text of the ballad "Song stubborn" is a clear statement of independence.
"Wow" is a disk initially indecipherable, a mixture of melody and noise, a nod to texts and atmospheres it is not blasphemy to mention Mogol / Battisti, pure nonsense, piano rather than guitar, psychedelic pop-rock tracks and uncontrolled. After listening to some of the Ferrari and Robert Brothers Sammarelli melt all resistance you may have against them, grinning and push you into their wonderland. ( )
The team was able to put heart and soul in a job that involves mainly the head. Write pop music so rigidly drawn managing to combine a passion and sweat is not an operation that can allow anyone, especially one that can very well the band is the ability to produce and make their own (and Italians), some attitudes of pop music international avant-garde. So when "Loniterp" or "accidentally" dare vocal harmonies to great effect, it is easy to come to mind bands like Grizzly Bear and Animal Collective, but all it only lasts a few seconds because Verdena are around the corner to put everything under the own brand, so superbly autograph. ( )
I have a band Verdena "important", a highly respected but that is not the system is not plugged into any scene, there are no famous guests on the album but only their friends, as is clear from the closing credits in the booklet where it appears even a homegrown band name, something to which we were not more used. "WOW" was completely written and (almost) played by Albert, Luke and Robert, along with collaborators only with regard to external instruments more "classic" for the rest of the three test themselves with keyboards, synthesizers, various machines and even a beautiful accordion. Unable to parse the songs individually, but "WOW" is a wonderful trip, that once completed it would start immediately, as children coaster. Yet here is always very high as the listening to feelings and inspiration of the band and the only comment that comes to closing the whole is, in fact, Wow! ( )
(Rino De Cesare)
"Radi @ tions" is a program designed by Camillo Fasulo, Greek Marco Antonio Marra, Angelo De Luca, with the collaboration of sparse @ ttiva Rino De Cesare, Olive Angelo and Carmine Tateo, aired every Monday and Friday between the hours of 22 and 24 radio issuer Ciccio Riccio Brindisi - .

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Signs Chlamydia In The Mouth

Mini Kit # 6

Thanks again for your comments .... as you have well understood for me it was a great joy to get to more than 100 followers ... that satisfaction .... and as I promised I will soon work you deserve a very special present, I just hope you do not wait too long ... -_ ^

Now change the subject ....
I'm ready to show you another of my mini kit .... do not you curious??
This post is dedicated to a beautiful chair with back straight and comfortable ....
This "chair" is about 3.5 x2, 5 cm high and is about 8cm. The kit is really easy ... and then you can decorate as you like ....
So you like?
soon with another mini-kit and some beautiful surroundings .... Angelina

= PS These photos are dedicated to the bears .... dear Viviana ^ _-